Should the government provide free tertiary education?
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Yes as long as students commit to giving back to the country that has allowed them to study for free
Yes, but only if you complete the degree. Hence if you start other degrees without finishing, those course costs are not free
Do the last year free, not the first, that way it's for those who will actually finish their degrees
subsidising costs of tertiary education is important and not just based on a family income. Some students do not align themselves with their families and some families hide their wealth in trusts.
Support or partial funding for relevant tuition that serves to add value in NZ and for a career. Eg health, engineering, teaching (not languages, art, sport, history, religion, dramatics)
Only for students who pass their studies to a high merit
Incentive based approch to tertiary education: Tuition fees should be reimbursed if you finish your studies/degree
Yes, but with a cap on the amount of free training per individual irrespective of level of study.
Yes, Tertiary tuition should be free for certain courses but the student should be required to pay if they are required to resit a paper. Public funding should also be limited to one course of study to prevent people becoming career students. For courses such as medicine and law there should be a requirement to give back some time within New Zealand before being able to take their skills offshore.
Yes to select professions and then bond them to work in the country
Yes, but only for 3rd years
Yes if the time is given back as using their degree in NZ at completion. Ie doctors stay in NZ to work.
Yes but before they can leave the country they must pay or work off there debt
Yes, and those with existing loans should be cleared.
Yes, but for medical students only
First year free as currently in place
@9DW2QBVNew Conservative2yrs2Y
Yes, providing the student completes the programme
Adopt a system like the Netherlands. Tertiary debt wiped on successful completion
Yes but only once graduated
Yes but have stricter requirements & entrance exams to get in
No fees for jobs we require (medical) or are strategic for our future (technology).
Yes if the student works in the industry they studied
System where govt pays it off if you work in the industry you trained for for x number of years where we need to retian people
Three year of University should be free rather than first year
Free first year then based off grades
I feel parents income should not come into eligibility as they are adults, able to vote, go to pubs etc
Yes but bound to work in nz for 5 years
Tertiary education should be free for health proffessionals if they are bonded to nz healthcard for the same term as their education to following graduation
Yes but if the person pulls out and just doesn't wanna do and they have no good reason then they need to pay it back
Yes, but only for certain courses
@9CZQK36Sustainable NZ2yrs2Y
Where we have skills shortages in public services such as in Healthcare and Education we should have free tuition for those who will commit to working in the chosen sector for a time after completion.
Yes but only if you have graduated and come from a low income household
Yes, and write off student loan debt
Yes but for 3rd generation kiwis only
Education for the sake of education should be supported and encouraged over education for the sake of a job
Yes but only if the student graduates.
Subsidized fees for students that pass with good grades (e.g.B average)
Final year should be free, not the first year
Yes for people in public servant jobs, such as a teacher
Yes, if university graduates agree to work in NZ for 5 years after graduation
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