Should the government provide free tertiary education?
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No. People are attending university to then perform menial tasks and not use their degrees. It is a privilege, not a right, to attend university. There are plenty of other opportunities to unskill.
No, but the current first year free system has been effective in getting people that otherwise would not have gone on to further study into tertiary environments and then gives them a bit of time to arrange payment plans for the following years
I think it should be discounted or refunded for careers that are need in this country once qualified so education is completed
Free for relevant practical courses - not plilosphy or arts type degrees. Universities need to tighten their belts and decrease fees as they are frivalous.
Yes 100%, with the cost of living as high as it is and students needing to study and work in order to earn enough in life to literally just survive. The least the government can do now is to provide if not all free tertiary education, then at least the first two years of it free.
Maybe last year free instead of first year of study. Consideration of reverting back to if excellence or merit endorsed in NCEA then a certain amount of money is given to each year of study
Last year should be with contract to stay in nz for 5 years
Fees free should be on completion of complete programme to discourage individuals pulling out without completion.
Yes but anyone who does not graduate will be required to pay it back
no, there should be more aid from the government but not free tuition
Yes but only in areas where we need the skills with bonding
Fees free for last year of tertiary education
Yes. In areas where we as country have a need (medical, education, etc) the courses could be funded or free but have a mandatory time that the they most then work is NZ.
Yes, but repaid if student drops out or doesn't pass
Yes if you have excellent grades at High School and end up graduating your degree at uni
Only for skill shortage areas
Yes, but only if there is an agreement that the person will stay in NZ for at least 5 years following graduation
Yes, but as a final year payment for actually completing the study, not a first year.
Yes, for needed professions ie medicine, teaching
Yes, But only after the student has completed their qualification, can they be eligible for 1 year back pay into their student loan OR have their full tuition paid, but they must stay in NZ for 5 years post study.
Yes but limited to passing course and limited time
No but if there is a benefit should be same for all.
Yes but only if you complete your degree and work in NZ for a number of yrs.
Only for jobs with staff shortages such as nurses and drs
No, and student allowance eligibility should not be based on parental income
Yes, but scaled upwards by 1/4 every year towards qualification completion
No, but there should be a rebate for those who finish their degrees and continue to work in New Zealand
No, but tuition costs should decrease for STEM subjects and for low-income students with excellent grades
Yes but only for the first year
Yes, but any fees for courses failed should be paid back.
I fell like its about what u choose to do
Yes, but only for degrees of social import (i.e., nurses, doctors, scientists, etc)
No, but student allowence shouldn't be based on families income. My parents don't give me any money
Pay in advance with reinbursement upon passing.
No, but student ;pans should extend to part time study
Yes. For certain professions that are not attracting enough students.
depends on your degree/certificate
Yes. But funding should only be given to people that sign that they have to live in New Zealand.
First year free ok. As long as pass if not should be charged.
Students should only get the first year of tertiary study refunded when they graduate with their degree. They should earn the money back by completing their degree. Not just dropping out once they have had a free year.
No, but subsidies should exist for low income families or students entering areas of study with skills shortages
First year free as per current
Government pays off your student loan if you gain a job in New Zealand based on your income. Otherwise interest free loan while in New Zealand or interest required if working overseas.
Yes but pay the last year only
It should be affordable not over priced and funded courses should be capped
Yes, but it's their last year of education that is free
Last year should be free.
Yes but only for the final year
Yes, but only if you pass courses and stat in that profession for 5 years
If you pass your degree there should be some benefits
Aiming towards free for undergrad but cost should be equal for all students regardless of family income
Only once they have adequately passed their first year of tertiary education
Yes, but only once successfully completed
Yes, based on percentage passed. And perks to stay in nz once qualified
Yes based on percentage passed and perks to stay in nz once qualified
No ,Eliminate student living cost loan and open the eligibility for student allowance
Tertiary education free in exchange for limited military service
Yes, but only if you pass your exams.
Maybe one day but when we have the money to do it. Or a goal could be to help lower student loans. Maybe the better you do and the higher up you get, the less it costs Encouraging you and rewarded as you show commitment and will be an asset to society once completed so really should be rewarded
only for the final year of undergrad study
Have the last year or 2 free as an incentive
Only for specific subjects
yes, but only for certain people after they took a loan and attempted uni, but had to drop out due to medical issues etc.
It should be free, but not for people who chop and change their minds about what degree they want every other week. I also think people need to be told, there are X amount of lawyers positions in the country so we’re only accepting X amount of students. This should apply for all jobs.
Yes but grades must be maintained to continue education
Instead of first year being funded your final year which is most expensive and generally the hardest year should be funded. This acts as an incentive and removes financial stress when you do most of your placements and cannot work as often.
Free for vocational courses
Yes for certain degrees or with an agreement for staying in the country to pay off debt and use the higher education.
Yes, but perhaps there should be fewer University places.
For certain qualifications (eg. Nursing, medicine)
Free for health degrees Means tested
Fees free or 'refund' after completion of degree.
Yes, based on the student passing their qualification.
Last year of your studies should be free.
Yes - But only if you finish your qualification within a certain period of time
Only for people who can't afford to pay
Instead of offering free first year make the last year free so it gives people Insentive to finish their degree.
In the last year of study
the first year of universtay should be free
Once they complete the degree then get the cost wiped
Only in the students last year
Tuition costs should be decreased and student allowances should be based on what's being studied
Yes, but conditional on students successfully completing studies
In areas that need to attract more workforce
Should be subsidised across board
Yes, but if the student fails the year, the following year must be paid for.
This should be means tested and where families are self-employed they should have entitlement based on turnover and assets, not acoounts that can be made to look like there is no income when they have a high life style
Yes, as long as you pass the courses.
Increase funding for realistic courses especially for students those unable to live with parents
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