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46 Replies


Yes, but it should be an interest free loan where the debt is wiped upon completion of the qualification.



Yes, under contractual agreement that you will spend your first 5 years of your professional life working here in Aotearoa.


There should be increased scholarship opportunities for students from low socio-economic backgrounds. And more financial opportunity for students looking to engage in careers currently in shortage, eg: paid practicum time for student teachers and nurses



Student allowances should not be based on parents income. It should be available to all students aged 18yrs with no restrictions based on oarental income


Only for important/essential careers but all other study should be subsidised


Low income students should have free tertiary education. Excellent grades is a barrier to opportunity and doesn't take into account the responsibility that student might bear outside of education


Yes if there is a rule to state that the student will stay and work in NZ for a specific period of time.


Yes but for the academic pathway you need to have achieved to a reasonable standard. Less places but free basically.


No but fees will be wiped if they work in NZ for minimum 5-7 years post graduating


Re-review the entire system for student loans, student support and student debt.


No, but there should be a rebate for those who finish their degrees and continue to work in New Zealand


For those studying in fields needed in New Zealand as long as they commit to working in New Zealand for a certain amount of time



No, but student loans should be reduced in a way which encourages people to stay in new zealand


Assist students who financially can't pay for deposits for accom and large admin fees when enrolling.


Possibly lower but not entirely drop. There should be a remodel of the current tertiary education system to allow for students to have time to work towards paying for their education, as many students currently do not have time to work aswell as study therefore increasing their debt and stress.


Yes for certain degrees or with an agreement for staying in the country to pay off debt and use the higher education.



People who become qualified in areas of high need should have their student loan wiped in exchange for x amount of years working in sector that their qualified in.



On occupations that NZ needs. Ie Medical , teaching , engineering. Obligation to serve NZ system for a period in return..



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