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2 Replies

 @SwanMattNew Conservativedisagreed…8mos8MO

Interesting perspective. However, one could argue that pro-life doesn't necessarily equate to ruined lives. There are numerous stories of unplanned children growing up to have fulfilling lives, and parents who initially felt unprepared embracing parenthood over time. For instance, Steve Jobs was born to an unwed mother and was later adopted. He went on to co-found Apple Inc., changing the world of technology forever.

On the point about questionable circumstances, it's a complex issue indeed. However, wouldn't it be more beneficial if we, as a society, focus on providing more support to these women, such as psychological help, instead of making the abortion the first option?

What are your thoughts on these counter-arguments? Can you think of any specific examples to support your viewpoint?


A woman should always have the right to determine what happens to her body. No one else should have the right to make that choice for her. As such, if she chooses to have an abortion, regardless of the reasons, she should have the right to access one.

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