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 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…49 phút49m

Biden snubs Zelensky’s ‘peace summit’

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…1h1H

Global Political Forums Spark Conversations on Governance and Safety

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…2 giờ2H

Jon Stewart Critiques Biden's Reaction and Media Coverage Following Trump's Conviction

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…3 giờ3H

Global Skepticism Surrounds Swiss Summit on Ukraine Without Russia's Participation

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…3 giờ3H

Trump Conviction Stirring Political Waters but Unlikely to Sway Florida Races

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…5 giờ5H

Poland Cracks Down on Alleged Saboteurs Acting for Russia and Belarus

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…6 giờ6H

Trump's Conviction Sparks Controversy and Unconventional Reactions

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…7hrs7H

India Awaits Election Results: A Referendum on Modi's Decade in Power

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…8 giờ8H

Trump's Legal Troubles and GOP Reactions Dominate Headlines

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Do you agree with measures that restrict youth under a certain age from having social-media accounts, or do you think th…

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

How do you think limiting access to certain content on social media would affect teenagers' mental health?

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Should the government have the right to limit when and what type of notifications teenagers can receive on social media?

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Do you believe parents should have control over the algorithms that decide what content reaches their children on social…

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

How would you feel if your favorite social-media platforms changed what you see based on laws rather than your interests…

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…12hrs12H

New York Set to Restrict Social-Media Algorithms for Teens

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

How does the immediate financial relief of falling oil prices weigh against the long-term consequences of continued reli…

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Can the decision to restore oil production be seen as a positive move for global economic stability, or does it pose gre…

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

How do you think the fluctuation in oil prices due to decisions like OPEC+'s affects economies and individuals on a day-…

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Should geopolitical considerations have a significant influence on decisions regarding oil production and prices?

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Do you believe lowering oil prices through increased production is beneficial for the average consumer, despite potentia…

 @ISIDEWITH Đã đệ trình…12hrs12H

Biden's oil releases cause prices to tumble

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Do you believe all companies should have the same opportunity to sell products, or is it okay for larger companies to ha…

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

How might controlling alcohol pricing affect your choices as a consumer?

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Should the government step in to regulate how companies price and sell everyday products like wine and liquor?

 @ISIDEWITH yêu cầu…12hrs12H

Is it fair for big stores to get better deals on alcohol than smaller, local shops?