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 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Câu chuyện chiến thắng của Putin vẫn còn đọng lại giữa cuộc xung đột kéo dài của Nga

In a world where geopolitical tensions frequently dominate headlines, the narrative spun by Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be resonating strongly within his country. Putin's portrayal of Russia as a besieged fortress triumphing against the collective might of the Western world is not just a message; it's a carefully crafted strategy that appears to be gaining traction among the Russian populace. Despite the ongoing conflict now stretching into its third year, many Russians, influenced by state media and public discourse, are buying into the idea of their nation's inv…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Tổ chức Archewell Foundation đã được khôi phục tình trạng tốt sau vấn đề về tuân thủ.

The Archewell Foundation, founded by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, has recently navigated through a compliance hiccup that momentarily labeled the charity as 'delinquent' in the state of California. The issue, which caught the attention of both supporters and critics worldwide, was swiftly addressed, leading to the restoration of the foundation's good standing. This development underscores the complexities and responsibilities that come with managing an international charity and the scrutiny public figures face in their philanthropic endeavors.

California officials had flagged…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Sự căng thẳng toàn cầu tăng cao khi cuộc tấn công của Israel vào Rafah gây ra chỉ trích quốc tế

The international community is on edge as South Africa spearheads a movement to bring Israel's military offensive in Rafah, Gaza Strip, to the World Court. Accusing Israel of genocide, South Africa's bold step underscores the growing global discontent with the situation unfolding in Rafah. The offensive, which Israel describes as a gradual deployment, is increasingly seen as a full-scale invasion, raising alarms about the humanitarian implications for civilians and the obstruction of aid.

The European Union has voiced its concern, indicating that Israel's actions in Rafah could…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Survivor of Mao's Era Sees Echoes of Cultural Revolution in US College Campuses

Lily Tang Williams, a survivor of Chairman Mao's political purge during China's Cultural Revolution, has voiced her concerns over what she perceives as a disturbing trend on U.S. college campuses. Williams, who has firsthand experience of the tumultuous period in China, claims to be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as she witnesses events unfold in the United States that remind her of the past she thought she had left behind. Her observations come at a time when political tensions and ideological battles are increasingly prominent on college campuses across the cou…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths Decline For First Time In Decade

The U.S. saw a slight decline in the number of new overdose deaths last year, marking a rare improvement in a still-raging national fentanyl crisis, preliminary federal data show.

There were about 107,500 overdose deaths in 2023, down 3% from the year before and the first decline in five years, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One factor was fewer deaths pegged to opioids including the nation’s deadliest drug, the potent synthetic fentanyl, the CDC’s preliminary numbers show.

The U.S. has struggled to stop a relentless increase in drug-ov…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How would you personally measure the success of efforts to combat the overdose crisis, aside from just looking at the numbers?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Do you believe that the decline in U.S. drug overdose deaths indicates a turning point in the fight against the opioid crisis, or is it a temporary change?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

american heroin Overdose Deaths Decline

The U.S. saw a slight decline in the number of new overdose deaths last year, marking a rare improvement in a still-raging national fentanyl crisis, preliminary federal data show.

There were about 107,500 overdose deaths in 2023, down 3% from the year before and the first decline in five years, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One factor was fewer deaths pegged to opioids including the nation’s deadliest drug, the potent synthetic fentanyl, the CDC’s preliminary numbers show.

The U.S. has struggled to stop a relentless increase in drug-ov…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

What impact do you think the stigma surrounding drug addiction has on efforts to decrease overdose deaths?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How do you feel about the role of community and government efforts in reducing overdose deaths, and are they doing enough?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Do you believe that the decline in American heroin overdose deaths is a sign of progress, or is it too early to celebrate given the numbers are still high?

 @C0nstituti0nThrush từ New York Đã đệ trình…3wks3W

Mỹ tăng cường sản xuất bom "Bunker Buster"

An Army ammunition plant in southeast Oklahoma is being expanded to at least triple monthly production of the US’s biggest non-nuclear bomb, a weapon often invoked in debates about a potential attack on deeply buried nuclear facilities in Iran or North Korea.

The 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, known as a bunker-buster, can be dropped only from a B-2 stealth bomber. It’s far bigger than the unguided 2,000-pound (900-kilogram), explosives that the Biden administration has postponed sending to Israel out of concern for civilian casualties in its war to defeat Hamas in Gaza.…  Đọc thêm

An Army ammunition plant in southeast Oklahoma is being expanded to at least triple monthly production of the US’s biggest non-nuclear bomb, a weapon often invoked in debates about a potential attack on deeply buried nuclear facilities in Iran or North Korea.

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Xem xét lý do được đưa ra cho chương trình hạt nhân của Iran, bạn có tin rằng việc tăng cường khả năng quân sự là một biện pháp phòng ngừa cần thiết hay là một sự leo thang đến xung đột?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Làm thế nào ý tưởng chuẩn bị cho các cuộc tấn công có thể xảy ra vào các cơ sở của các quốc gia khác phù hợp với quan điểm của bạn về hòa bình và an ninh quốc tế?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Với nguy cơ tiềm ẩn đối với sự sống của dân thường, bạn có cho rằng việc tăng sản xuất vũ khí mạnh như vậy là đúng đắn không?

 @BallotBoxLeopard từ Texas Đã đệ trình…3wks3W

$320M US military Gaza Aid pier to open for business

A trident pier the length of five football fields is being anchored to the Gaza coast. Humanitarian aid will be dropped off there via ships from the floating pier, also built by the U.S. military, two miles off the coast. According to the Pentagon, two Navy warships will be protecting the floating pier and the sea bound transfer of the aid.

Some 1,000 U.S. service members are engaged in the project, which is costing an estimated $320 million for the first three months. U.S. personnel are not supposed to be going "on the ground" in Gaza at any time.

The military will be working with…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

If aid delivery faces constant threats and obstacles, like attacks on aid workers, should the international community intervene more directly in the conflict?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Would you support this use of $320M in U.S. funds for aid in Gaza if it meant sacrificing resources from domestic programs?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Should the potential risks to U.S. service members deter the U.S. from engaging in humanitarian aid efforts in volatile regions like Gaza?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How does the use of military resources for humanitarian aid in conflict zones change your perception of military intervention?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Netanyahu says Israel isn't a "vassal state" of the U.S.

A day after President Biden warned Israel that a major attack on Rafah would cross a "red line" for U.S. support, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went on a rant during a meeting with his security cabinet.

"We are not a vassal state of the United States!" he declared, according to three people with knowledge of his remarks, including one of Netanyahu's aides.

Netanyahu's hot reaction last Thursday reflected his combative mood at a time when Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza has strained its relationship with the U.S.

The tension began escalating two…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How would you react if your country's independence was questioned by an ally; would you support a strong stand against such statements?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Does a powerful ally like the U.S. have the responsibility to intervene in its ally's military decisions for the sake of peace?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How do you feel about one country trying to influence the military actions of another; is it right or wrong?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Biden and Trump Set the Stage for 2024 with Independent Presidential Debates

In a surprising turn of events, the 2024 presidential election cycle is heating up with news that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to participate in independent debates, bypassing traditional venues and the Commission of Presidential Debates. This decision has left institutions like the University of Utah and Virginia State University, which were slated to host these significant political events, in a state of shock and disappointment. The move marks a significant shift in how presidential debates are conducted, with both candidates opting for a direct negotia…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

The CIA has a long history of helping to kill leaders around the world

Some of the most notorious of the CIA’s operations to kill world leaders were those targeting the late Cuban president, Fidel Castro. Attempts ranged from snipers to imaginative plots worthy of spy movie fantasies, such as the famous exploding cigars and a poison-lined scuba-diving suit.

But although the CIA attempts proved fruitless in the case of Castro, the US intelligence agency has since 1945 succeeded in deposing or killing a string of leaders elsewhere around the world – either directly or, more often, using sympathetic local military, locally hired criminals or pliant dissi…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Do the potential dangers posed by certain leaders justify the use of extreme measures like assassination by another country's intelligence services?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Is it ever justifiable for one country to interfere in the leadership of another country for the sake of global security or interests?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How would you feel if a foreign government was trying to remove your country's leader, even if you disagreed with their policies?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Rút lui chiến lược của Ukraine giữa cuộc chiến ác liệt tại vùng Kharkiv

In a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Ukrainian forces have been compelled to execute a strategic retreat in the face of Russia's formidable advance in the Kharkiv region. This move comes as the United States accelerates its military aid to Ukraine, aiming to bolster the country's defenses against the relentless Russian offensive. The retreat, described by Ukrainian military officials as a maneuver to avoid a bloodbath, underscores the intensifying pressure on Ukrainian troops as they confront a Russian force poised to seize key territories…  Đọc thêm

The situation in Kharkiv has escalated rapidly, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky postponing all upcoming foreign trips to focus on the crisis. Ukrainian forces, facing overwhelming Russian firepower, have withdrawn from the towns of Lukyantsi and Vovchansk, marking a significant shift in the battlefield dynamics. This withdrawal, while tactical, highlights the challenges faced by Ukraine in sustaining its defense lines against a numerically superior adversary.

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Chủ tịch Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ nói rằng Israel sẽ xâm nhập Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ tiếp theo

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims that Israel will “set its sights” on Turkey if it succeeds in defeating the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip.

Erdogan has cut trade ties with Israel, maintained close ties with Hamas, and repeatedly lambasted Israel and its “Nazi” leaders since the war was sparked by the terror group’s massacre on October 7.

He has voiced support for Hamas, which is classed as a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States and the European Union, among others.

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 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

If a country is accused of having 'Nazi' leaders, what impact do you think this has on its citizens and their view of their government?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How does the idea of cutting trade ties with a country as a form of protest make you feel about international relations?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Pro-Putin Slovakian Prime Minister Shot In Assassination Attempt

Slovakia's pro-Putin prime minister Robert Fico has been shot in the stomach in an assassination attempt.

The politician, 59, is now in a life-threatening condition in hospital after he was attacked leaving a government meeting.

Four shots were fired - with one hitting populist leader Fico in the abdomen in the town of Handlova, some 100 miles northeast of Bratislava.

After receiving treatment in Handlova, the PM has now been airlifted to a hospital in the capital as transport to the city would take "too long", a government spokesperson said.

The incident took place in front of the local House of Culture, where the PM had come to meet with supporters.

The suspected assassin was filmed being overpowered and detained by security forces and bystanders.

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How does the public's reaction to violent political acts reflect on our society's values and thresholds for justice?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Is it ever justifiable to target political leaders with violence in the pursuit of change?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Should a public figure's political affiliations impact how we view their victimization in crimes?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

6 Mile Subway In San Francisco Will Cost $13 Billion

6 dặm hầm điện ngầm ở San Francisco sẽ tốn 13 tỷ đô la

The Federal Transit Administration last week announced a $500 million down payment for the project and is expected to finalize a $6 billion award later this year. This new underground line will extend the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) through San Jose and Santa Clara, which are already served by the region’s Caltrain and public buses.

A decade ago, the duplicative subway was estimated to cost $4.4 billion and open in 2026. Local transportation planners wanted BART to “ring” the San Francisco Bay. Estimated costs have since ballooned to $12.75 billion—$2.1 billion a mile…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How would you feel if your local area decided to spend such a large amount of money on a public transport project?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

RFK Jr.’s Threat to Trump

November’s election may be decided by whose definition of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. voters find most persuasive.

No one really knows which of his rivals Mr. Kennedy’s candidacy will hurt more. Mr. Biden sees Mr. Kennedy as possibly reprising the role played by the Green Party’s Jill Stein in 2016. Her vote totals were slim—in Pennsylvania she received 0.82%, in Michigan 1.07%, in Wisconsin 1.04%—but had her votes gone instead to Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump wouldn’t have been president.

With Mr. Kennedy polling today in the low double digits, Mr. Biden is taking…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

In what ways do you think personal attacks in political campaigns impact voters' perceptions of the candidates?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How much should a candidate's stance on a single issue, like vaccinations, influence your overall opinion of them?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

What are your thoughts on candidates receiving support from controversial figures or groups, and does it change your view of the candidate?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Do you believe third-party candidates do more harm than good in closely contested elections?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

Biden aides worry about "psychological torment" as Hunter heads for trial

President Joe Biden will soon have to watch and wait as 12 jurors in his home state decide whether his son is guilty of felony gun charges — a case brought by his own Justice Department.

For the White House, the scenario of Hunter Biden’s first criminal trial, all but assured to start June 3, is an unprecedented event in American political history that they hoped never to face.

While aides insist that the White House will have no involvement in the case, brought by special counsel David Weiss, some fear it could dramatically impact the president himself, more psychologically than…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Imagine you were in a position of power; how would you balance personal turmoil and public responsibilities?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

Do you think the personal challenges a leader faces should influence our perception of their professional capabilities?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…3wks3W

How would you feel if a family member's legal issues were publicly scrutinized, affecting your life and mental well-being?

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

U.S. Inflation Eased to 3.4% in April

U.S. inflation eased in April, with a key measure of price pressures slowing to its lowest level since spring 2021.

The consumer-price index, a gauge for goods and service costs across the U.S. economy, rose 3.4% in April from a year ago, the Labor Department said Wednesday. So-called core prices that exclude volatile food and energy items climbed 3.6% annually, the lowest increase since April 2021.

Investors saw positive signs in the report that the Federal Reserve’s inflation fight is gradually slowing down the U.S. economy. The yields on 10-year Treasurys, which fall as prices rise,…  Đọc thêm

 @ISIDEWITHĐã đệ trình…3wks3W

450,000 Palestinians flee Rafah as Israeli tanks move in

450,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah since Israel ordered more of the city evacuated on Saturday, the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees said on Tuesday. Reports from the city suggest that Israeli forces are closing in on its densely-populated urban core.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) ordered people in the southeastern neighborhoods of Rafah to leave “immediately” on Saturday, with IDF spokesman Avichai Adraee warning that Israeli forces were preparing to strike Hamas targets there “with great force.”

The IDF has now evacuated the entire eastern third of the…  Đọc thêm