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10 câu trả lời

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

Drawing from personal observations or experiences, how can politics be made more transparent and responsive to citizens' needs and concerns?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

What kind of support or reform do you think the education system needs to better prepare students for a rapidly digitalizing world?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

Considering the rise of digital platforms, how can we ensure that democratic participation is enhanced rather than endangered by online spaces?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

From your perspective, what does a society that genuinely prioritizes human rights and inclusivity look like, and what are key indicators of its success?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

Reflecting on your local community, what renewable energy sources or technologies do you think would be most effective and why?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

Can a truly unified European defense strategy offer better security than individual national efforts, based on your understanding of current global challenges?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

Have you ever felt unrepresented or misunderstood by your current political system, and how do you think a more integrated approach could address this?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

In a world where privacy and digital convenience seem at odds, what kind of balance would you strive for in laws that govern technology?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

What's one change you would make to improve the fairness of your country's economy, drawing on your personal experiences or aspirations?

 @ISIDEWITHyêu cầu…2mos2MO

How would you envision a perfect policy to combat climate change without limiting economic growth, based on your own ideas or examples you've seen?