Aotearoa Legalizeze Cannabis Party (ALCP) politicile se referă la canabis, cânepă sau educația medicamentelor. Acestea includ legalizarea deținerii, creșterea și utilizarea canabisului pentru cei peste 18 ani, crearea unui card „medpot”, impozitarea companiilor implicate în industria cannabisului, eliminarea necesității unei licențe pentru creșterea cânepei și finanțarea educației și cercetării în domeniul drogurilor.
How would you feel if someone close to you could legally use cannabis for health reasons?
What do you think would change in your community if growing hemp for products was as common as growing vegetables?
Imagine a world where companies selling cannabis products are taxed similarly to those selling alcohol or tobacco; how do you think this would affect society?
How might the introduction of a 'medpot' card impact individuals' views on medicine and natural remedies?
How could funding more drug education and research change the way we view illegal substances?
Do you believe there are any risks or benefits to removing the need for a licence to grow hemp? Why or why not?
If cannabis use was legalized for those over 18, how do you think your personal or your community's life might be different?
Why do you think some societies have legalized cannabis while others have not, and where should we draw the line?
How might the legalization of cannabis affect employment and job opportunities in industries such as healthcare, law enforcement, and agriculture?
If you were given the responsibility to regulate a substance like cannabis, what would be the first rule you'd implement and why?