Answer Overview

Response rates from 321k New Zealand voters.

Yes, but scale back our current involvement
No, and remove the U.N. headquarters from the U.S.
Yes, and use the U.N. peacekeeping forces to protect our interests

Historical Support

Trend of support over time for each answer from 321k New Zealand voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from New Zealand voters whose views went beyond the provided options.


Yes but just to observe. The UN is a corrupt agency and needs to be monitored one way or another until it is safe to leave


I believe that we should be independent but we should not be forced on that right now as it will cost far too much to by back the land off the UN and I don’t think it is worth it right now.

 @9FXQ8JM answered…12mos12MO

The United Nations is a joke. North Korea is part of it and this is a country that starves their own citizens


Yes, but the UN needs to be resructured massively (ie: get Saudi Arabia off the women's rights council)


We should be looking inward more at what needs of ours aren't being met. Our families are hurting. Mental health is at an all time low. We have a lot of strife at home to be caring about countries that are playing war.