
Historical Results

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Taliban Financial Aid” has changed over time for 299 New Zealand voters.

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decrease money or ridges and dents with caring dental tooth and treatments withdrawal and drawal and mental unwelled is increase and obbs and under surveillance footages with you increased european scammed maori- european whits is under footages under kicked offers endes expires is date and days is ends up them and couple segments relationships damages and fisted


Yes, but there should be very strict criteria for how they spend it and an agreement to monitor that with full transparency


Humanitarian aid and financial aid directly to the people not put to the taliban pockets



Yes, but with checks to ensure this money is used to improve the well-being of Afghan citizens.


No. Taliban government is corrupt and against basic human rights of the individual citizens. We do not support the government which does not treat their own people. I

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