Yes, but I’d prefer that land should only be owned by citizens and domestic companies
No, increase taxes on foreign purchased land instead
Yes, and increase taxes on foreign purchased land
Yes, and all foreign land purchases should require consent

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Foreigners should not be about to purchase land until they are working, tax paying, citizens of New Zealand. They should be capped at a maximum of two properties. They should be placed at the back of the line when I comes to prime real estate. They should not be able to purchase more than five hectares of land unless using it for some type of occupation e.g farming. Where they must employ New Zealanders.


Foreigners and non residents should not be able to purchase any land in NZ


Yes, and all foreign land purchases should require consent and increased taxes. I’d prefer land only to be owned by citizens and domestic companies.


 @9HK9YD6 answered…8mos8MO

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