Yes, unless they have committed a crime
No, and we should not allow any new immigrants into the country at this time
Yes, but they should not be able to claim citizenship status of more than two nations
No, and revoke the status for those currently holding dual citizenship
Yes, unless they have committed an act of terrorism

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Other Popular Answers

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Aa long as they of good character and a productive member of society. If not their citizenship is revoke and deported if a crime has been commited.


Yes if they are choosing to reside in New Zealand for the remainder of their life. Exceptions of holidays.


Yes, unless they have committed an act of terrorism, and Yes, but they should not be able to claim citizenship status of more than two nations


Yes there should be a time period to show you are contributing to New Zealand. If you are creating jobs for New Zealands and haven't committed any crimes or offenses against New Zealand or New Zealanders then yes.


If they have been living in NZ for more than 4 years- have paid taxes - than yes.

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