Sodium fluoroacetate, commonly referred to as 1080, is a biodegradable pesticide used by conservationists and livestock farmers for pest control. Although the use of 1080 in New Zealand was deemed "effective and safe" by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment in a 2011 re-evaluation and is widely considered to be the most effective tool currently available for controlling possums over large areas, hunters and animal rights activists have raised concerns about security of potable water supplies in areas where 1080 is applied.
Statistics are shown for this demographic
Māori electorate
2.9k Christchurch rinkėjų atsakymų rodikliai.
43% Taip |
57% Nr |
38% Taip |
41% Nr |
4% Yes, and aggressively pursue alternative methods |
10% No, but there should be more restrictions on its use |
6% No, it is the best solution we currently have |
Palaikymo tendencija laikui bėgant kiekvienam 2.9k Christchurch rinkėjų atsakymui.
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Tendencija, kokia svarbi ši problema 2.9k Christchurch rinkėjų.
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