어느 정당을 가장 잘 알고 있나요?
마오리 당의 원칙에는 토착민 가치의지지, 학교에서의 의무적 인“유산 연구”, 해안 및 해저의 마오리 소유권이 포함됩니다.
How might the compulsory study of a nation's indigenous history affect the unity and identity of its people?
Can the balance between modern development and preserving indigenous lands and rights be achieved? Share examples or thoughts.
Discuss the fairness of Māori ownership of the foreshore and seabed: should this be a model for other indigenous claims worldwide?
How do you think the values and policies of indigenous political parties like the Māori Party could influence global environmental conservation efforts?
What benefits or challenges could arise from making 'heritage studies' a mandatory part of the education system?
What might be the impact on tourism and economic development if indigenous people have ownership and control over their lands and waters?
If every nation prioritized indigenous values, how might global politics and environmental policies change?
How would implementing 'heritage studies' in schools impact students' understanding of their own culture and others?
Do you believe that the principles outlined by the Māori Party could be adapted into your country's political system? Why or why not?
In what ways do you think recognizing and valuing indigenous knowledge can contribute to a country's progress?