Coba kuis politik

70 Balasan


Peperangan drone laut telah tiba. Amerika tertinggal.

U.S. Navy's efforts to build a fleet of unmanned vessels are faltering because the Pentagon remains wedded to big shipbuilding projects

The Navy has a budget of $172 million this year for small and medium-sized underwater sea drones, falling to $101.8 million in 2025, the spokesperson said. That's a tiny fraction of the $63 billion Navy procurement budget proposed by President Joe Biden's administration for 2025.

Military sea drones can range from missile-armed speed boats to minehunting miniature submarines and solar-powered sailboats equipped with high-definition spy cameras,…  Baca lebih lajut


Apakah Anda percaya bahwa keterbelakangan Amerika Serikat dalam perang drone laut merupakan ancaman yang signifikan terhadap keamanan nasional?


Bagaimana menurut Anda ketergantungan pada teknologi dan sistem tanpa awak dalam militer dapat memengaruhi peran dan jumlah prajurit manusia?


Apa pendapat Anda tentang implikasi etis penggunaan drone laut tanpa awak dalam peperangan?


Mengingat pilihan anggaran, apakah Amerika Serikat seharusnya memberikan prioritas pendanaan untuk drone laut daripada proyek pembangunan kapal tradisional?


China Menarik Dukungan Untuk Pembicaraan Perdamaian Perang Ukraina

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday that he would support an international Ukraine peace conference only if it’s recognized both by Moscow and Kiev with equal participation of all parties.

The upcoming Swiss-proposed talks are scheduled to take place on June 15-16 at the Burgenstock resort near Lucerne. More than 160 delegations from around the world have been invited to take part, including members of the G7, G20, BRICS, EU, and others. Russian diplomats are not among them.

Moscow has previously called the proposed conference “pointless” and said it would not particip…  Baca lebih lajut


Dapatkah benar-benar ada perdamaian yang adil dan abadi jika resolusi yang diusulkan mengabaikan kepentingan nasional salah satu pihak yang bertikai?


Apakah adil untuk menuntut reparasi dan pengadilan dalam pembicaraan perdamaian, atau apakah hal itu menghambat kemungkinan menemukan solusi damai?


Haruskah syarat-syarat dipersiapkan untuk partisipasi negara dalam pembicaraan perdamaian, atau seharusnya semua pihak diundang tanpa syarat?


Seberapa penting menurut Anda bagi negara-negara yang tidak terlibat langsung dalam konflik untuk mempengaruhi negosiasi perdamaian?


Republikan Mengancam Jaksa ICC atas Kemungkinan Surat Perintah Penangkapan Israel

A group of influential Republican senators has sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan, warning him not to issue international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, and threatening him with “severe sanctions” if he does so.

In a terse, one-page letter obtained exclusively by Zeteo, and signed by 12 GOP senators, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Florida’s Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz of Texas, Khan is informed that any attempt by the ICC to hold Netanyahu and his colleagues to accou…  Baca lebih lajut


Bagaimana Anda akan bereaksi jika pemerintah Anda mengancam tindakan keras terhadap sebuah lembaga internasional untuk melindungi warganya dari penuntutan hukum di luar negeri?


Haruskah hukum internasional berlaku sama untuk semua negara, atau apakah ada situasi di mana pengecualian harus dibuat?


Apakah sah bagi sebuah negara untuk melindungi sekutunya dengan segala cara yang diperlukan, bahkan jika melibatkan ancaman terhadap lembaga hukum internasional?


Apakah Anda percaya bahwa benar bagi sekelompok anggota parlemen untuk mengancam para hakim internasional dan keluarga mereka terkait keputusan hukum yang potensial?


Israel melanjutkan rencana selama 90 hari untuk menyerang Rafah

Israel still plans to proceed with a 90-day plan to invade Rafah, which Washington is committed to stopping, a U.S. official familiar with truce negotiations between Hamas and Israel told Reuters on Monday.

‘Netanyahu and the war cabinet have not appeared to approach the latest phase of negotiations (with Hamas) in good faith,’ the official told Reuters, asking not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.


Apa reaksi Anda jika tindakan negara Anda dihentikan oleh negara lain, dan apakah Anda pikir intervensi internasional selalu dibenarkan?


Bagaimana Anda akan mengusulkan penyelesaian konflik antara negara-negara jika Anda berada dalam posisi kekuasaan?


Bayangkan jika pemerintah Anda tidak bernegosiasi dengan tulus selama krisis; bagaimana hal itu akan mengubah kepercayaan Anda terhadap para pemimpin Anda?


Mengapa Anda pikir sebuah negara mungkin memutuskan untuk menyerang negara lain, dan apakah Anda pikir ada alasan yang membenarkan tindakan tersebut?


Prajurit AS Ditahan di Rusia Memicu Ketegangan Internasional

In a development that could further strain the already tense relations between the United States and Russia, a US soldier has been detained in Vladivostok, Russia, on charges of criminal misconduct. The incident, confirmed by both the US Army and the White House, occurred on May 2, 2024, marking a significant escalation in the series of high-profile detentions involving American citizens in Russia. The soldier, whose identity has not been disclosed, is currently being held by Russian authorities, sparking concerns over the treatment and legal rights of foreign detainees in Russia.

The detentio…  Baca lebih lajut


Hukum Florida Melarang Warga Negara Tiongkok Membeli Rumah

More than three dozen states have enacted or are considering similar laws restricting land purchases by Chinese citizens and companies, arguing that such transactions are a growing threat to national security and that the federal government has failed to stop Chinese Communist Party influence in America.

Florida’s law, which went into effect in July, is among the furthest reaching. In addition to barring Chinese entities from buying agricultural land, it effectively prohibits most Chinese individuals without a green card from purchasing residential property. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the…  Baca lebih lajut


Haruskah keinginan untuk keamanan lebih penting daripada prinsip kesetaraan dan non-diskriminasi dalam kepemilikan properti?


Apakah Anda percaya bahwa perlindungan keamanan nasional membenarkan pembatasan kepemilikan properti bagi beberapa kewarganegaraan tertentu?


Bagaimana perasaan Anda jika negara Anda mencegah Anda membeli rumah di negara lain hanya berdasarkan kewarganegaraan Anda?


Rusia Memperingatkan Inggris Untuk Tidak Mengirim Senjata ke Ukraina

Russia warned Britain on Monday that if British weapons were used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory then Moscow could hit back at British military installations and equipment both inside Ukraine and elsewhere.

Russia said British Ambassador Nigel Casey was summoned to the foreign ministry for a formal protest after Foreign Secretary David Cameron said last week that Ukraine had the right to use British weapons to strike Russia.

Britain denied that Casey had been summoned, saying that he had met Russian officials "for a diplomatic meeting" in which he "reiterated the UK'…  Baca lebih lajut


Apa kewajiban moral potensial yang dimiliki negara-negara satu sama lain ketika salah satunya sedang diserang?


Hamas menerima proposal gencatan senjata, tetapi Israel mengatakan proposal tersebut tidak dapat diterima.

Hamas announced Monday it has accepted an Egyptian-Qatari proposal for a cease-fire to halt the seven-month-long war with Israel in Gaza, hours after Israel ordered about 100,000 Palestinians to begin evacuating from the southern city of Rafah, signaling that a long-promised ground invasion there could be imminent.

It is not clear whether the deal will meet Hamas’ key demand of bringing about an end to the war and complete Israeli withdrawal.

Hamas said in a statement its top leader, Ismail Haniyeh, had delivered the news in a phone call with Qatar’s prime minister and Egypt’s…  Baca lebih lajut


Jika Anda berada dalam posisi untuk memutuskan, apakah Anda akan menerima perdamaian sementara yang mungkin tidak menyelesaikan semua kekhawatiran, atau menunggu solusi yang lebih komprehensif?


Seberapa penting bagi kedua belah pihak dalam konflik untuk berkompromi, dan apakah ada saat di mana kompromi terlalu jauh?


Apa perasaan yang muncul ketika Anda memikirkan warga sipil yang tinggal di daerah konflik seperti Gaza?


Apakah Anda berpikir gencatan senjata harus memberikan prioritas pada perdamaian segera atau solusi jangka panjang, meskipun lebih sulit untuk dicapai?


Komisi Pemilihan Melawan Konten Palsu dalam Politik

In an unprecedented move to ensure the integrity of electoral processes, the Election Commission (EC) has issued a stern directive to all political parties, mandating the removal of fake content from social media platforms within three hours. This groundbreaking decision aims to combat the rising tide of misinformation and deepfake technology that has been increasingly used to manipulate public opinion and tarnish the reputation of political figures. The EC's guidelines are a clear message to political entities: the era of unchecked misinformation in politics is coming to an end.

The dir…  Baca lebih lajut


AS dan Filipina Fleksibel Militer Muscle Dekat Taiwan Amid Meningkatnya Ketegangan

In a striking display of military cooperation, the United States and the Philippines have conducted a series of joint military exercises near Taiwan, signaling a robust response to rising tensions in the South China Sea. These exercises, part of the annual Balikatan drills, saw Black Hawk helicopters, artillery, and missile fire lighting up the skies over the northern coast of the Philippines, simulating the defense against a hypothetical invasion force. The strategic location of these drills, particularly on the island of Itbayat and the coastline of Ilocos Norte, underscores the geopolitica…  Baca lebih lajut


Ribuan Kendaraan Listrik China Menumpuk di Pelabuhan Eropa

Imported vehicles are seriously piling up at European ports, turning them into “car parks.” Automakers are distributors are struggling with a slowdown in car sales as well as logistical bottlenecks that make it hard to alleviate the buildup of new, unsold vehicles.

Some Chinese brand EVs had been sitting in European ports for up to 18 months, while some ports had asked importers to provide proof of onward transport, according to industry executives. One car logistics expert said many of the unloaded vehicles were simply staying in the ports until they were sold to distributors or end users.

“It’s chaos,” said another person who had been briefed on the situation.


Apa kekhawatiran pribadi yang timbul bagi Anda tentang masa depan transportasi dan keberlanjutan akibat peningkatan kendaraan listrik di pelabuhan?


Bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang dampak lingkungan dari ribuan mobil listrik yang tidak terjual yang duduk tidak terpakai di pelabuhan?

 @PersistentFrogdari Illinois dikirim…4wks4W

Onslaught of violence against women and children in Gaza unacceptable: UN experts

UN experts* today condemned the continued and systematic onslaught of violence committed against Palestinians in Gaza, with most victims being women and children over the past seven months.

“We are horrified at details emerging from mass graves recently unearthed in the Gaza Strip. Over 390 bodies have been discovered at Nasser and Al Shifa hospitals, including of women and children, with many reportedly showing signs of torture and summary executions, and potential instances of people buried alive,” the experts said.

They noted that women, girls and children overall are among those…  Baca lebih lajut


What emotions or thoughts arise when you hear about children and mothers being targeted and killed in conflicts like the one in Gaza?


How do you feel about the fact that women and children are the primary victims in the violence described, and what does that say about the nature of the conflict?


Drama Keluarga Kerajaan: Penolakan Ulang Tahun Pangeran Archie dan Kembalinya Harry ke Inggris

In a week filled with royal engagements and personal milestones, the British Royal Family finds itself at the center of media attention once again. Prince Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, the first-born child of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, celebrated his 5th birthday amidst reports of a snub from the royal family. Despite the alleged cold shoulder, the young prince enjoyed a lavish birthday celebration in Montecito, California, complete with a superhero theme and a cake made by Meghan herself. A notable gift from his grandfather, King Charles, was a toy from the prestigious Hamleys,…  Baca lebih lajut

 @JudiciaryTiger dari Oklahoma dikirim…4wks4W

Kebijakan Narkoba ’Wacko’ Kanada

On April 26 the province said it wants the federal government to “recriminalize” drug consumption in public spaces such as in hospitals, parks and buses. In his intervention from the floor Mr. Poilievre blamed the Trudeau government’s drug decriminalization last year in British Columbia for feeding a crisis and linked it to the 2,500 drug deaths annually in the province. In particular Mr. Poilievre was upset about the deterioration in the quality of life for children, families, hospital workers and anyone who uses public transit. Mr. Poilievre, a member of the Conservative…  Baca lebih lajut


How do you balance the need for public safety with the rights of individuals when it comes to drug consumption in public spaces?


What are your thoughts on the use of government-funded facilities for safe drug injection: helpful harm reduction or a misuse of resources?


Do you believe that decriminalizing drugs could lead to a safer society, or does it encourage drug use?

 @CamelElliedari Massachusetts dikirim…4wks4W

Peselancar yang ditemukan tewas di sumur di Meksiko ditembak di kepala

Mexican authorities on Sunday confirmed the American and two Australian tourists who went missing in northern Mexico last week are dead after their bodies were identified by their parents.The bodies of Australian brothers Callum, 33, and Jake Robinson, 30, as well as Carter Rhoad, 30, were found at the bottom of a well in Baja California state earlier this week after a days-long search.The three foreigners went missing while on a vacation surfing near the popular tourist town of Ensenada, about 90 minutes south of the US-Mexico border on the Pacific coast.

Three people have so far been arreste…  Baca lebih lajut


Haruskah tragedi para peselancar ini mempengaruhi cara kita melihat dan mendekati perjalanan internasional dan olahraga petualangan?


Apa tanggung jawab yang dimiliki pemerintah untuk melindungi wisatawan di dalam wilayahnya?


Bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang bepergian ke negara asing, mengetahui risiko seperti itu ada?


Lanskap Politik Berguncang saat RFK Jr. Muncul sebagai Kandidat Partai Ketiga Terkemuka

In a political climate dominated by established figures, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s rise as a leading third-party candidate is sending shockwaves through the U.S. electoral landscape. Kennedy, a member of one of America's most storied political families, is challenging the status quo by positioning himself as a viable alternative to the traditional two-party system. His campaign has been marked by strategic maneuvers, including bypassing traditional signature requirements for ballot access by aligning with smaller political parties that already have a place on the ballot. This clever…  Baca lebih lajut