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Najnovije nacionalne ankete

Grafikon u nastavku prikazuje povijesnu potporu svakoj političkoj stranci u New Zealand . Područja koja su ispunjena s [ ? ] su nepoznati ili vremenski okviri male količine. Kliknite liniju za prikaz određenih podataka o biranju.

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Ovo su najzanimljivije rasprave o Novozelanđanin političkim strankama.

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…8 god8Y

narodna stranka

The National Party has been characterised as a broad church, encompassing both conservative and liberal tendencies, and outlying populist and libertarian tendencies. All factions tend to be in tension, although the conservative tendency frequently prevails. The broad liberal tendency is expressed by both social liberals and the classical liberals, with the latter supporting economic liberalism. The early National Party was united in its anti-socialism, in opposition to the Labour Party.

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…8 god8Y

Novi Zeland prvo

New Zealand First takes a centrist position on economic issues and a social conservative position on social issues such as criminal justice. The party distinguishes itself from the mainstream political establishment through its use of populist rhetoric, and supports popular referenda. It has also advocated restrictive immigration policies.

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...2 god2Y

Štiti i napreduj

The New Zealander Protect & Prosper political party, as its name suggests, is a political entity based in New Zealand, focusing on policies and initiatives aimed at safeguarding the interests of its citizens while fostering economic growth and prosperity. The core values of the party revolve around the belief in a balanced approach to governance, where protection of the environment, social welfare, and national security are seen as complementary to economic development and innovation.

The party advocates for robust environmental policies, recognizing the importance of New Zealand's…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…8 god8Y

Stranka mogućnosti

The Opportunities Party supports evidence-based policy, "a prosperous, fair and equitable society", and environmental sustainability.

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…8 god8Y

Demokratska stranka za socijalni kredit

The New Zealand Democrats for Social Credit is a political party that has its roots in the social credit theory, which was developed by Major C.H. Douglas in the early 20th century. This theory criticizes the conventional banking system and the way money is created and distributed, arguing that the system leads to inequitable wealth distribution and economic instability. The party, therefore, advocates for a reform of the monetary and financial system to enable a more equitable and sustainable economy.

The core values of the New Zealand Democrats for Social Credit focus on social justice, econ…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…5 god5Y

Održivi NZ

Sustainable NZ is an environmentalist party, with a focus on water, native species, and sustainable economic growth. It contrasts itself with the larger Green Party by claiming to not be aligned with either side of the political aisle and being prepared to work with either the National Party or the Labour Party.

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…8 god8Y

Mana Party

Mana describes itself as "a political waka for all peoples" with a specific focus on giving a voice to "the poor, the powerless and the dispossessed" and on striving to "empower them against the government by the rich and powerful for the rich and powerful".

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…8 god8Y


ACT states that it adheres to classical liberal, small government and laissez-faire principles coupled with what the party considers as a high regard for individual freedom and personal responsibility. ACT sets out its values that individuals are the rightful owners of their own lives and therefore have inherent freedoms and responsibilities, and that the proper purpose of government is to protect such freedoms and not to assume such responsibilities.

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...2 god2Y

Leighton Baker Party

Leighton Baker is a New Zealand politician who has been associated with the New Conservative Party, a political party in New Zealand. The New Conservative Party, as its name suggests, positions itself on the conservative spectrum of New Zealand politics. The party's values and policies are rooted in traditional conservative principles, emphasizing the importance of family values, individual freedoms, and personal responsibility.

The New Conservative Party advocates for policies that support the nuclear family as a fundamental unit of society, believing that strong family values contribute…  Čitaj više

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…5 god5Y

Party na otvorenom

The Outdoors Party aims to protect the environment and New Zealand’s "outdoors heritage", and advocates for clean, full and unmodified rivers, greater protection from development for the conservation estate, large game animals to be managed by all hunters for recreation and conservation benefit, removal of ecologically destructive trawling practices within the inshore fishery and a Futures Commission to determine environmental limits to the growth of population, tourism, economy and infrastructure.

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…5 god5Y

Socijalni kredit

The Social Credit Party is based on the ideas of social credit, an economic theory established by Major C. H. Douglas to disperse economic and political power to individuals

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…5 god5Y

JEDNA stranka

The ONE Party is a Christian fundamentalist political party led by Edward Shanly and the anti-synthetic drugs activist Stephanie Harawira. The party opposes abortion and euthanasia.

 @ISIDEWITHodgovoreno…8 god8Y

Māori party

The Māori Party’s principles include upholding of indigenous values, compulsory "heritage studies" in schools, and Māori ownership of the foreshore and the seabed.

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...2 god2Y

Heartland New Zealand Party

The Heartland New Zealand political party is a political entity in New Zealand that emerged to represent the interests and values of rural communities, small towns, and provincial areas, which its members felt were being overlooked or inadequately represented by the mainstream political parties. The party positions itself as a voice for the "heartland" of New Zealand, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these communities.

Heartland New Zealand's values are deeply rooted in the belief that the prosperity and well-being of New Zealand as a whole are intrin…  Čitaj više