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Topljenje ledenjaka prisiljava Švicarsku i Italiju da preprave dio svoje granice


Part of the border will be redrawn because of the glacial melt, in another sign of how much humans are changing the world by burning planet-heating fossil fuels..


Italija i Švicarska će ponovno crtati alpsku granicu zbog topljenja glečera


Melting glaciers changed the topography of a roughly 330-foot-long segment of the border between Italy and Switzerland.


Švicarska i Italija ponovno crtaju granicu zbog topljenja ledenjaka


Switzerland and Italy have redrawn part of their border in the Alps due to melting glaciers, caused by climate change. Part of the area affected will be beneath the Matterhorn, one of Europe's tallest mountains, and close to a number of popular ski resorts.