Mahdollisuudet-puolue tukee näyttöön perustuvaa politiikkaa, "vauraata, oikeudenmukaista ja oikeudenmukaista yhteiskuntaa" ja ympäristön kestävyyttä.
How would a focus on evidence-based policy change the way we see politics and decision-making in your own country?
Can a society truly be prosperous without being fair and equitable, and what examples from around the world illustrate your view?
In your experience, what are the biggest barriers to achieving environmental sustainability, and how can they be overcome?
How important do you believe it is for policies to be rooted in scientific evidence, especially concerning environmental issues?
If you could introduce one policy from any part of the world to improve fairness and equity in your society, what would it be and why?
Can focusing on prosperity lead to environmental sustainability, or do these goals inherently conflict?
Reflecting on your own country, what is one change you would like to see that aligns with creating a more equitable society?
How do personal values shape one's perspective on what makes a policy fair or effective?
Discuss how young people can contribute to promoting environmental sustainability in their communities.
What does a 'fair and equitable' society look like to you, and how far do you think we are from achieving it?