Euthanasia, the practice of ending a life prematurely in order to end pain and suffering, is currently considered a criminal offense.
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Māori electorate:
I think they should be getting proper help because with proper help they wouldnt feel like this was their only way out, and if without proper help they still feel the same way with a psychological evaluation they should be allowed.
Only if there is no chance they will survive their illness, after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice, should be allowed to refuse artificial life support
Its their choice. But probably ask them how important their life is and motivation to keep on going.
Yes but I think a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice and no chance they will survive the illness
Yes, but need to have a psychological evaluation, need to be terminally ill and/or an incredible amount of pain
You have the choice your body if you want to end your life for any reasons your choice no government or people can or should be able to prevent your choice
It’s not assisted suicide!!! It’s the right to pass peacefully without pain and suffering on your own terms
I don't trust the doctors, so if they get multiple opinions from not just GPs or Psychologist but naturopaths and different alternate private medicine doctors too. To stop them from being convinced to commit suicide from a sick twisted doctor like the ones who convinced pregnant women and children to get the clot shot.
Yes, but I take "examination" out of the yes statement, It is really important that the person understands the choice and that they are making a conscious choice, rather than acting out of despair or self-destructive anger. But a professional examination enables a clinician to arrive at a view but it is the patient who needs to be clear-headed and to make their choice.
Yes, everyone should have the right to end their pain and suffering if there is no hope for survival and all information given so they know the choice they are making.
I believe mostly in palliative care.
Yes, but I think this shouldn’t be limited to just the terminally I’ll
Yes but with 2 components - no chance they will survive and a psychological examination
The bill needs strong guides
Individuals, regardless of health, should have the right to a quick painless death.
Maybe, but this needs to be more thought through than what was supplied in the referendum
We need excellence in palliative care
Yes, and it should be easier to legally give consent in advance in case the illness makes it impossible to later give consent.
Only if they are in cure to prevent pain / can no longer function with basic day to day tasks - vegetable state
Yes, but only if there are no other options that could improve their life.
Yes, but psychological evaluation should be done on both the patient individually and with their family to ensure that there is no manipulation from outsiders affecting their choice.
Yes, but measure should be in place to make sure that it is their own decision and they have not been persuaded to do so
Yes but there should be no pressure on anyone to provide this service. Consider zoom/mail management for rural or disadvantaged communities a là the Cannabis Clinic.
Yes, but only once the hospice is properly funded by the government
Yes if clearly they are at the end, and there is no chance of survival and the person is in a lot of pain. They understand what they are doing.
Yes and those with degenerate conditions such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Dementia ect
Yes given the fact if their family accepts this decision. And showing that the person asking understands his/her situation without any regret and feels it is the best choice. On the other hand dying naturally would be the best way. If the pain is truly unbearable atleast have all those close to the person be present before they make any final decisions. Loved ones always give the sick comfort.
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No, but they should be allowed to refuse artificial life support and more leniency on anyone who did assist
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Yes, but only with two or more family members permission
yes, but they should go under a psychological exam as well as getting am opinion from a partner or family member of their choice.
Yes if they really want to
Yes, but only if they have no chance of surviving their illness and their immediate family agrees.
Only if the level of suffering is no longer treatable at a reasonable level of existence so pain outweighs gain
No, more funding should be put into respite care and hospices
I think yes but there needs to be an age limit much older than 18
Yes, but there needs to be laws in place to protect the innocent from being coerced into this. There should be a requirement for independent witnesses and review and it made illegal for doctors who do not comply with a robust system with tiered stages where the patient can opt out if they change their mind.
Yes, but I will not be voting for it as the way it has been written leaves too many loopholes for vulnerable people
Yes, but only if they have two assessments of their illness and two psychological assessments
No, rather require them to assist for medical research.
Yes but more needs to be done to protect vulnerable from making the wrong decision - there is no second chance here
Yes but psychological examination & better care in hospitals. My cousin was terminally ill & they wouldn't even give him a sleeping tablet or proper pain medication under hospital care. It was appalling so of course people want to kill themselves. Hospice drugs & care much better but I worry many people won't get here as it's the end of the line
Yes but under very strict circumstances
Only if they have no chance of survival and are in intolerable pain
Not via a doctor. Don’t tel me how to be a doctor if you haven’t gone through medical school and learnt ethics
Yes, as long as two members of their family/nok allow it
Yes, but protections for potentially vulnerable terminally ill patients from coercion by family members needs to be in place first. As well as acknowledgement that terminal diagnoses aren't usually that accurate.
This is a Conscience issue for each of the parties MPs
yes but only if u know they are going to die
if they dont want to live with these simptims then yes
Potentially. I need to see more research about assisted suicide and its impacts to make an informed decision.
Yes, and requirements for eligibility should be loosened.
@9C68SJFSustainable NZ2yrs2Y
Deceased and bout living ways life support disabilities with more division by law against the. New Zealand and Australia troops
Let people die, on their own refusing drugs and artificial life support.
Yes, if they can't truly survive at all and they fully understand the psychological implications. Assisted suicide should be the last option though, healthcare should be funded properly and assisted suicide should not be glamorised nor encouraged. It should be as rare as possible, given the sheer amount of ableism our society has.
I think it should be fully within your control, but there needs to be safe guards in place
Yes, but only after counseling that screens for mental illness and coercion
All clear with government alone sucide with only can governor alone is knife stable and use murder is in jail time with new Zealand police scanned the Silke with eye queue behaviors with 111 or violence agreement is 105 treatment with two couples women or men inc
Yes but only if this decision has been made while fully cognitive, understanding this choice. At the same time no person (i.e. a family member or friend) should be forced against their will to assist the terminally ill patient.
Yes but it’s not suicide
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