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 @9F9DVTX answered…1yr1Y

Depends on the application, if it makes the plant inherently less susceptible to disease then I support it. If the purpose of the modification is to make it more resistant to pesticides then I disagree.

 @9G72CG9 answered…1yr1Y

Yes but not be able to patent seeds and require the lableling of foods that are genetically modified

 @9G6PC5G answered…1yr1Y

Yes, however more research should be done about the harmful effects. So far the concerns are allergies, cancer and environmental issues.


Yes but only if they are ethically distributed and grown and all foods are labelled and seeds are not patented.


I think gene modification plant to plant is good, but animal genes in plants is bad and should be labeled


Everything throughout time has been genetically modified by humans. I don't understand why it's such a big deal.


Yes but only after they’ve been used successfully overseas for 5 years or more with no adverse reactions.


Only if full research done to check food is safe for consumption and nutritional value is not reduced


Yes, but not at the expense of our Agriculture industry, and require labeling for genetically modified foods


Yea but they need to be labelled as genetically modified however not at the expense of farming and agriculture only as a addition


Yes, and remove the moratorium on GE! Genetic research (and all research) should not ever be banned or curtailed by politicians and public ignorance. This has set us back.




Yes but the GM seeds to be grown in vertical farms as to not have seeds travel to organic farms.


All crops are genetically modified to some extent by selective breeding do this seems irrelevant.

 @9DRY5BB answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, only if robust science has first demonstrated no impact on the environment and humans


Yes, but only if there are strict laws about ownership of crops and crops offsprings (and any species containing the modified genetic material) modified by companies


No, GMOs have been proven to allow pests to grow more resilient, and GMOs could potentially out-compete other crops, destroying biodiversity.


This must be highly regulated for safety, labelled on foods and they should not be able to patent seeds.


Yes, but only for adapting certain crop species to environmental conditions (I.e., drought, rainfall, climatic factors). Not for pesticide tolerance. And produces should not be able to patent seeds.


yes but there should be a commitee which decides what is ethical and right.


We need to know more about the impacts; in any case, labelling must be explicit and easily understood.


Yes, but keep heavy regulation on plants to ensure they don't become pests or drain the ecosystem.

 @9FM7767New Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

If you could create drought/typhoon resistant super charged nutrient dense foods that looked after poor nations and replaced processed foods in industrialised nations, that would be amazing. However, evidence is creeping through that GE foods are detrimental to our health, lacking nutritional value or messing up the natural balance. Grown for looks and keeping qualities, not nutrition.


Yes - providing that good sound reasoning and not for great profiteering.


Yes, so long as it doesn't reduce the health benefits of natural non-genetically modified foods.

 @9F95WZG answered…1yr1Y

Only where their nutritional content and safety for consumption is verifiable, AND where they are commercially labelled as GM food.


Yes, after they’ve been used overseas for 5 or more years and are proven safe.


People whose farms become contaminated with GM crops should not be required to pay for the "unlicensed" crop.



No, we should find better ways , more efficient ways to grow food in our square meterage and our countries food growing capability should be part of our strategy


rebels labels can they decrease more pak'nsave and contdown supermakings as the increase under footages is mite the crucial kept the premises and under check the list under new zealand parliaments and prime minister mad and enegerier of food and parcel and under gift cards and benefits decrease more maoris aotearoa wakait and waikato worse with bio-new zealand first prime minister and hoon winston peters and strikes more attacks and not guilty and charges with laws and changes free zone by new zealand police policies lockdowns



Yes, but only if done ethically and in an environmentally friendly way. Packaging should need labelling to if the food is GM


NO - NEVER - and especially not in areas where they can pollute other farmers with pollen and modified gene stock - it makes no sense - there is a rapidly increasing world wide market for clean organic food - we can make much better export market with premium clean food than with genetically modified food which is not even accepted by many countries as an import item - for example China one of our largest trading partners


Yes, if producers cannot be patent seeds AND labelling of such foods in mandatory.


Yes, but I support the use of genetically engineered crops and foods to be able to save other crops and food from going extinct.


Depends on what chemicals are involved and the impact it has on the enviroment.

Yes, and remove the (badly thought out) restrictions on academic and commercial genetics research so that NZ researchers can again work to advance knowledge in this area.

GMO crops are fed to animals in Agriculture which are then slaughtered and fed to humans. So if you still eat animal flesh then you are automatically eating GMO crops. Non-GMO plants are used for vegan alternatives.



Expand and contract with Donald trump reason catch on surveillance about food wise bakery and deli meats


Yes, but with increased oversight, the introduction of labelling of food which is genetically engineered and more funding into research to confirm that genetically engineered foods are safe for human consumption.

 @992KJGLfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

Genetically Engineered Foods should be the exclusive domain of the Federal Government within a nationalised industry. Private citizens should be banned from growing, producing and exporting genetically modified crops and food but not from distributing or selling them with a proper licence from a Federal Government Authority.


Cost of living with food expensive and new government alone inc and drinks response by customer owner inc decrease


Governments are aloneness by new Zealand labour party path and gentrification by university trying process grocery prices expensive cost of living



Yes, but strict regulations on the ability of companies to patent biological organisms and genomes need to be developed first and companies will need to accept full liability for unforeseen negative consequences for health, the environment etc.


Do you think genetically engineered foods should be used to combat dietary deficiencies, and why or why not?


Can you imagine a world where all our food is genetically modified, and what would that look like to you?


Have you ever actively chosen or avoided foods because they were labeled as GMO, and what drove your decision?


Would you support GMOs if they had the potential to solve hunger in impoverished areas?


If scientists could engineer a food to enhance its nutritional value, would you be more likely to eat it?


How might your food choices change if all genetically engineered foods were clearly labeled at the supermarket?

 @9TQ6HHLIntegrity of Aotearoa answered…6mos6MO

The repairs do you support labelling foods price sticker are required as said government feedback admins


If you had to choose between a genetically engineered crop that uses less pesticides or a natural one that uses more, which would you pick and why?


If you had the power to decide, would you ban or endorse the cultivation of genetically modified crops in your community?


What concerns might you have about genetically modified foods, and are they outweighed by the potential benefits?


How would you feel if you found out your favorite snack contains genetically modified ingredients?


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