LGBT adoption is the adoption of children by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. This may be in the form of a joint adoption by a same-sex couple, adoption by one partner of a same-sex couple of the other's biological child (step-child adoption) and adoption by a single LGBT person. Joint adoption by same-sex couples is legal in 25 countries. Opponents of LGBT adoption question whether same-sex couples have the ability to be adequate parents while other opponents question whether natural law implies that children of adoption possess a natural right to be raised by heterosexual parents. Since constitutions and statutes usually fail to address the adoption rights of LGBT persons, judicial decisions often determine whether they can serve as parents either individually or as couples.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Māori electorate:
gays should be made illegal
Being Gay should be illegal
Yes, and the church should be removed entirely from politics and the management of the country.
Yes, but the mother and father model is best for children
Yes they should but it should be noted that these parents will prioritise the wellness of the child and not push any agenda onto the adopted kid.
Should be okay, as long as the child can be able to freely think for themselves and not be influenced by the parents ideology/sexual orientation .
@9J78RN2 1yr1Y
The gays and use men as women loving fake lady's men's suits and pant Sikri skirt and sexual drinking harmed response by areas police local vias cameras footages pady wagon by arrested formed
I prefer not to comment as each to their own. Religious beliefs should be able to help determine this in the couple.
Adoption should be about what is best for the child. It is no one's right to get a child, the best fit and family for the child is priority and a stable family with a female and male is best for that child.
I believe mother and father figure is better for the child. However, as long as they pass the same background checks.
yes, they should. Gender DOESNT matter. gay couples should be able to have a normal relationship like any other couple.
two things can be true at the same time, same sex couples should be able to adopt if they pass background checks but I think a mother father family dynamic works best for raising children because it's what I am familiar with
I believe a mother and father structure is ideal but dont think same sex couples shouldnt be allowed to adopt. Single parent isnt ideal compared to mother and father but thats not illegal for not being ideal
Gay couples should have a 3rd party involved, if its to male then a female. Have seen this works well
I don’t think adoption rights should be based off sexual orientation but rather the stability of a home in which the child will be adopted into. I do however think studies of the neurological effects that having same sex parents can have on a child should be taken into account, if there is indeed any effect.
Yes but they should have to wait on the same waiting list as couples who are struggling to conceive
No there are far too few babies up for adoption anyway because of abortion access and attitudes here in NZ
Yes, all sex's are suitable for adopting children
Male couples should have much more investigation done into them that lesbian couples because males commit 97% of sex crimes.
yes, as long as they do not try to force there kid to be gay
As long as they pay for own fertility treatment
Yes, plenty of gay couples will be better parents than some straight couples but also I feel like a child may need a mother and a father figure
They should be evacuated thoroughly
Yes if the gay couple can be better providers and role models for the child than a straight couple then I don't mind
if they home is a happy home with no criminal records and abusive past with his or hers spouse.
NO, they should be able to adopt more since they can not produce a baby
Yes but have additional checks for the parents mental stability
Sure it doesnt matter if your gay
they can if they want just leave them alone
Yes. Only if they are non transgender and do not support or encourage puberty blocking drugs or surgical sex change operations for children and teens
Adoption itself should be illegal for anyone
Same adoption rights however in general couples with reproductive issues should be prioritised over others given they pass the right background checks
why is this even a question
of course as long as the child has a safe place to grow up in.
To ensure a child has the best possible chance in life they need a motherly and fatherly influence. All the data supports this. Children without a mother or a father are at every statistical disadvantage in life.
can guy couples together produce kids that belong to both of them? if not, then why same adoption rights. otherwise gay couples can adopt gay kids only.
Depends how the child will be raise and all background check must be met.
Yes, while a mother and father is best, two parents regardless of gender is better than none or 1.
more kept more decrease franchise and the progress just need access flexible causes under footages is gay tony from grand theft new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern and new zealand act party david seymours and the charges with in process under white black blanks under survillincesbrible auto with san andreas's with more gay bring towards to life times
Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples and any issues that need to be raised specific to being a gay couple if any (for example, not got a chip on their shoulder about non-gay people)
Yes, but with more stringent requirements
Yes, but if a gay couple and straight couple are both equally stable and loving the child should go to the straight couple as the structure of having a mother and father is important.
As long as the agreement be made between the gay couples and the child/children
Any couple should be evaluated against their ability to provide a stable environment for the child.
LGBTQ identifying couples should have the same right to adopt children as straight couples. However, each couple should undergo stringent adjudication enacted by government child welfare authorities in order to determine that they will be able to sufficiently provide for all adoptees’ material, developmental and psychological needs. Additional fees should also apply to them.
Only if the child's rights are prioritised before the adults desires.
Same right, different criteria.
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Better rights than the heteros
gay only couples of maoris and paihekas did mite taste the gullies and boys sadly wrack more gays farlar as new Zealand hit covid 19 as cases update more gay and tony eyed by lions by law against the powerfulness its can affectiticives cabinets driving people seans dive for men are gay
No (personally), but will generally support laws giving such rights to gay couples
They should, first of all, ask the children as they are the ones who are getting adopted. If they are fine with it, then I think there is nothing wrong with gay couples adopting children.
No, straight couples should not be able to adopt children
Yes, everyone is different, and are allowed to be, remember Gay used to mean happy.
Yes but straight couples should gain precedence
Gay couples should have equal rights as straight couples, but adoption in general should be restricted.
Well I mean entourage them all we can, if it keeps the the population down and gives these children homes I don’t see too bad of issue with it.
A mother and father should be the best and primary option, but children need homes and this is better than foster care.
Yes as long as they can demonstrate that they will be able to provide the child with developing relationships between the child and the opposite sex as the parents.
There’s not really adoption per sae in Nz
Yes, they are humans too
Upto the mother of unborn
No, those who are unable to have children should have a greater opportunity to adopt.
With clear guidelines. I think it isn’t nessecarily the natural right way, I think it needs to be tougher or more stringent testing
I do not have a political opinion about this.
i hate gay people and im sick and tired of seeing these retarded flags all over the world and I will do everything in my power to burn all the gay flags
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