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 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

The minimum of wages with annual leaves stands Union by legend former UK prime minister Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump straight wings issued Press conference map location white House


I have worked for 16 years in 1 company. Minimum wage workers now get $1less than me. Many have not had to work up to that wage.


The more you put minimum wage up the more everything else goes up and wages are not increasing enough with inflation
Reduce cost of things and people will spend more meaning more money going around and not struggling to feed people and enjoying holidays


No! If anything they should lower it! So it gives workers on minimum wage incentive to turn up to work and work for the higher pay


I think it needs to be adjusted by age. It’s ridiculous having a 14 year old earning pocket money at a supermarket checkout get the same wage as an adult trying to earn a living.


Businesses just increase their prices so it’s a lose lose situation. Unless you did a $10 one all at once or something cause then they couldn’t pass it all onto customers

 @9DMN734Labour answered…8mos8MO

If there is a way to ensure the same increase is applied to the working class


No, Remove the minimum wage but remove income tax too. This will provide extra income to people for work and not government.


The government should be focusing more on keeping the cost of living down



Yes I support Raising the minimum wage, but it's been raised too frequently as of late


Again, New Zealand is not the U.S. Our minimum wage amends annually.


I support increases, but there have been too many in the last few years for me to want them to go up more


Yes, because some people may not be able to get high paying jobs due to educational background and inflation.

 @9D7PCLNLabour answered…9mos9MO

National minimum wage should be raised, but stay in line with the increase of other salaries. You can't end up having a minimum wage earner earn the same as someone who has progressed in their career.



25 dollar flat for min wage jobs. Adjust every 5 years, if necessary, taking inflation into account.


No as this just keeps causing everything else to rise, I think there should be enforcement of mandatory pay rises each year as employees gain more experiences


With the cost of living and according to an employees living situtation they should be offered a reasonable wage in return for their ongoing duties as a worker. Minimum wage wont help everyone. A living based income will.

 @96XYYHXfrom California answered…1yr1Y

No but remove GST on fruit and vegetables and half it on some meat products


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It's not the wage that needs increasing, but the living costs that need decreasing


Yes but there should probably be a living wage based on where you live



Minimum wages should be higher than benefits, not lower. Or else it will only encourage people to rely on benefit and not motivated to work.


Yes I 100% believe it needs to cover living wage. I agree some minimum wage jobs should just be for gaining experience and shouldn't support a family but that is not realistic as many families rely on minimum wage jobs with little opportunities of finding another income.


This reduces the gap between trade wages making these types of jobs less desirable


No, but provide a more structured living wage that increases with inflation for adults over 20 to prevent employers from under paying adults that are currently living pay check to pay check.


Yes. Make it a living wage which reflects inflation and regional housing costs


No, as a small business owner this will result in detrimental outcomes as we cannot afford to increase the minimum wage.


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