The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade deal that would make it easier for American companies to sell their goods and services in Pacific Rim countries. The deal will benefit American service companies who will be able to open up operations in Asian and South American countries. Opponents argue that this bill will incentivize US companies to move service and manufacturing jobs overseas. Proponents argue that it would make American companies more successful at selling their goods and services in Pacific Rim countries, leading to a stronger economy, more jobs and higher incomes for American workers.
Not familiar with it enough to have an opinion
@9HK9YD6 1yr1Y
The hidden by the agreement by the governments lines by the former UK prime minister Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump formed dramatic issued
unknown but i think that i resonate more with - No, there are too many hidden provisions in this specific agreement
Don’t know enough to properly answer
Yes, so long as it does not require NZ to break up Fonterra and Pharmac or any other system put in place to protect a small economy being able to compete in world markets.
I do not have enough information or expertise to answer this question
Do not know any thing about TPP.
No, but support free trade with the USA as long as we don't have to allow nukes here
I need more knowledge to answer this correctly for myself
I'm unsure at this time. More research/investigation needed
Don’t know enough to answer
yes, but only if it a two wy travel bubble
Yes, the international courts is an issue but we are an export nation and reliant on free trade policies
Don’t know enough about the top to comment
Yes but without the ISDS (Investor State Dispute System) in place
It's okay just don't try and convince me your way is right.
Yes, but limit US influence over the Pacific
Yes, but reform to help retain jobs in the country and ensure basic standards in terms of environmental protection and working conditions are met.
I don’t know enough about the TPP to say.
Only if other countries benefit
Yes, as long as jobs are created and kept here.
Favor free trade in principle as beneficial, but dislike increasing intellectual property law guarantees.
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