Try the political quiz

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 @9J78RN2 answered…3mos3MO

Flags ups Indian and Chinese ruled new years with power of legs by the females blessing come high lord of God's creatures


Muslims are culturally and (typically) ethnically incompatible with European values and thus they should not live amongst us, nor should we live in their countries. This is the best way to achieve peace between Christendom and the Islamic world


No, If you move to NZ for a new life then you should adapt and respect local customs, culture and traditions


Respect cultural traditions goes both ways, so if you decide to live in NZ, there needs to be an element of adaption to cultural traditions, just as any cultural tradition evolves over time

 @9FVLXL8Labour answered…7mos7MO

We should be respectful of other peoples cultures but at the same time be aware that its traditional clothing


No, if hiding your face in civic ceremonies is required then you shouldn’t attend.


I think it's sad that they feel unsafe in this country that they feel that they have to hide their faces.



No. NZ is not a national Muslim country and those who are choose to come to NZ because of its freedoms. Ban the wearing.


Yes, but if needed their identity must be able to be privately verified in a manner which is respectful to their culture


Respect for our culture. Sorry but they left theres behind. New country new culture


This is a women’s rights issue. She should be able to wear, or not wear, whatever she likes, as long as she is not being forced to by her family or any ideologies or religions. It’s a personal choice.


yes we should respect all cultural traditions but in a manner she had to be I.D she should be I.D privately


I think yes bc if its appart of there famliy than yes and if they are asked to



Yes, Vatican II documents say freedom of religion. There's a reason forced baptisms are a sin and invalid.


Yes but I would suggest more education around cultural face veil or hijab as respect for cultures should be mutual. If a westerner travels to a Muslim country they are expected to cover up. Why not apply the same rule in a western country.




Yes, New Zealand should stop being so single culture based. If we want to become a world super power with people wanting to come here, we should entirely open up our cultural restrictions.


any immigrant needs to adapt to they country they emigrate to. wear the face veil at home, if you cannot commit to the rules of the country do not go there


If there is a culturally sensitive way around this then i should be implemented

 @9D5RCP7Nationalfrom Alberta answered…9mos9MO

No, because Niqab is not mandatory for Muslim women, it's only recommended. The Hijab is mandatory and the Burqa is recommended.


The clothes is the asian respect and the labour party jacinda ardern is decent towards decrease is government alone inc


No, seeing another persons face is how we identify others and feel safe when in public


I think that is is important to respect people’s culture and belief, but it is also important that cultures that are coming into a country should first and foremost conform or prioritise the counties culture and rules


i now like to which inconveniences because m y eason help kiwis be bio and respect people in community would loved loss our sentences i queues i said for the better and environmental trust for those fluffy and good luck into the future


their could be the risk of males masking themselves to target women. There is also women who are forced to wear the niqab which is against their human rights. so No


While we should respect other religions this is not NZ custom and this is NZ. So depends on the situation.



These garments are dehumanising and oppressive. No matter how much Islam says (that they are not) they are a symbol advertising for corrupt, violent and evil nations the world over.



Yes, but ceremonies of foreign cultures and their clothing should be relegated to private spaces.


What do you believe is more important during civic ceremonies, expressing individual identity or adhering to a collective formality, and why?


Can you think of a situation where wearing a Niqāb might be more than a personal choice, and how would this affect your stance on its allowance at civic ceremonies?


How would you argue the point of dress code freedom at civic ceremonies to someone who feels uncomfortable with face veils like the Niqāb?


Imagine two different ceremonies, one where all attire is uniform and another with diverse dress codes; which do you feel would better represent a democratic society and why?


From your perspective, what impact might a ban on face veils have on the inclusivity of public ceremonies?


If a close friend chose to wear a Niqāb to a civic ceremony, what would be your concerns or thoughts, and why?


How do you think the presence of a Niqāb at a civic ceremony could influence the atmosphere of the event?


Have you ever felt the need to adjust your personal attire for a public ceremony, and how would you relate that to the debate on the Niqāb?


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