Diversity training is any program designed to facilitate positive intergroup interaction, reduce prejudice and discrimination, and generally teach individuals who are different from others how to work together effectively. On April 22, 2022, Florida Governor DeSantis signed into law the “Individual Freedom Act.” The bill prohibited schools and companies from mandating diversity training as a requirement for attendance or employment. If schools or employers violated the law they would be exposed to expanded civil liability exposures. Banned mandatory training topics include: 1.…
Read more@ISIDEWITH2yrs2Y
@9F5MGG2New Conservative 2yrs2Y
Depending on the definition of diversity. As soon as diversity of gender is added it should NOT be required.
No, for that matter it has been proven that diversity training has the opposite affect of what is wanted and creates more isms on all sides.
No, just because a corporation presents itself as diverse and progressive doesn't mean it is any better. All corporations subsist on the ruthless exploitation of the working class
preferably yes but its kinda up to them
@9J78RN2 1yr1Y
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@9HK9YD6 1yr1Y
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Yes, but there should be limits. We can not acknowledge people who identify as cats etc
Yes, but we shouldn't have to.
Yes but only if they are upfront in telling people when hiring, that they will be required to take diversity training. Anyone not told so demonstratively should be able to opt out with no penalties unless they commit acts of discrimination
Yes, the government shouldn't be able to limit the training schools want their staff to have.
No, only those who have committed acts of prejudice and discrimination. Also these things shouldn't be required for those who haven't committed acts of prejudice and discrimination, but it should still be encouraged that everyone should be treated equally. Also if anyone commits acts of prejudice or discrimination, they should be put straight into diversity training.
Yes if the business is State Owned
That should’ve been learnt in their upbringing when they were younger and living at home with their parents
Yes, but only because private companies should be able to do what they want, not because I support it
I don't think diversity training works, but companies should have the freedom to make their own decisions (even if they are bad)
No, diversity should be encouraged, but mandatory for employees that commit acts of discrimination alongside a major verbal warning.
Yes but not include denial of biological gender
Yes though the managers and the bosses should be forced to undertake proper diversity training along with their workers and bosses should be completely and criminally prohibited from hiring with social discrimination in mind
It should be encouraged but not mandatory.
Absolutely, New Zealand is far too casually racist; as hard as it is to admit it. Diversity training allows an opportunity for individuals to learn/understand their place.
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