Proponents of deficit reduction argue that governments who do not control budget deficits and debt are at risk of losing their ability to borrow money at affordable rates. Opponents of deficit reduction argue that government spending would increase demand for goods and services and help avert a dangerous fall into deflation, a downward spiral in wages and prices that can cripple an economy for years.
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No, instead increase the minumum wage, subsidise childcare, and raise the age of retirement. That way we can both save on welfare and increase tax take from single mothers and the elderly. Pensions were never designed to support people for so many years of old age, we're just too long-lived and with too great an ageing population. And the theory that the more money we give to single parents, the more enriched their children will be is flawed. We must spend less on these groups.
if its wasteful, unproductive spending then yes. but if the spending is actually going to grow the economy then no
No, I support some cuts to minor services such as social ones but I'm strongly against cuts to major services e.g. Health, education, policing, electricity, water etc.
@9HK9YD6 1yr1Y
Spendings and eye supervisor of used the system open and check details by legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime minister's office dramatic for cash fruads
Refuce forign corporate company spending reinvest in NZ based spending on all essential living services for NZ citizens
Yes, we need to reduce public spending and debt, build our economy internally, help local businesses. Increase tax on multinational corporations
Maybe not reduce but ensure that the money is being spent on necessary things- so basically putting the money to good use.
Stop wasteful public spending. Look at places like DHBs where employees in project management undertake multi million dollar projects they know will not get across the line, but they do it to keep their jobs.
Stop spending money on arts and sports, these are luxuries we currently cannot afford
tax high income companies. do it.
Yes. There has been a large increase in government/public servants that aren't necessary
No, trandform our financial system and put money in to circulation through debt free public spending on primary services
In areas that reduce inflated bureaucracy
Yes - in a very targeted way that does not impact on social services e.g. less on feel good projects,
Government spending needs to be restructured and companies should be allowed to charge more for government jobs
All of these No, reduce military spending instead No, focus on ending tax evasion instead No, increase taxes on the wealthy instead No, increase taxes on large multinational corporations instead
No, Look at taxing churches or religious institutions that bring in a certain threshold. Sanitarium is a good example.
Increase taxes on rich AND reduce military spending
Yes where the public spending does not benefit the economy or improve education and health. MSD etc are where savings could be made
No, focusing on tax evasion + raising taxes on the rich + stop using working groups to find solutions which have already been found by previous working groups
As best as they can without disrupting the basic needs like transport education and Healthcare. Also have better competitive outsourcing
@9DVBLND 2yrs2Y
Reduce the number of consultants
Yes, the current government is doing too much reckless spending on useless things and wasting taxpayer money. We need more useful things for the government to spend on.
No, focus on ending tax evasion and increasing tax for the wealthy and large multinational corporations
Less bureaucratic red tape a and fewer bureaucrats taking wages that could be better utilised else Yellowstone when Kevin Costner fires the bureaucrats.
Yes, where the spending has proven wasteful
depends on what public spending but overall yes
No, for all of the corresponding reasons given above
@9FFXZVDNew Conservative2yrs2Y
No, increase taxes on foreign companies and land owners
No, tax the wealthy and reduce tax evasion instead. Also tax churches
Yesss all of the above every single one especially drastically reducing the benefits an salary of not just some but ALL Government Officials HIGHLY AGREED👍👍
increase tax on things such as harmful emissions, wealth, multinational corps etc.
No, you must spend money to make money. Bet on the economy, then build it intelligently.
Yes, but make cuts to non essential spending.
No, focus on tax evasion, taxes on wealthy companies, and wealthy individuals.
Apply zero base budgeting to government agencies. Get rid of Ministry of Racing. Apply KPI’s across Government agencies. Promote free and frank advice.
No but expenditure should be carefully monitored and targeted.
@9DKDW4Q 2yrs2Y
It depends on what that money is being spent on, if it is arguably wasteful spending e.g free school lunches then yes.
Yes, increase number of tax brackets and decrease benefits & salaries of government officials
Yes, we should review if money is being effectivly used.
I need to know more about the pros and cons of this question before I have a position...
No, don't cut for the sake of "saving money", but implement an ongoing review looking at improving efficiency. It is our money they are spending
No, reduce government and council sizes, end treaty settlements, end UN and WHO funding, end climate emergency funding etc etc.
Don’t be stupid. Other cuts for the sake of reducing your silly national debts should be made from elsewhere and not from these important areas.
Yes, stop wastage and idealistic spending that does not benefit services provided
reduce the amount less more increase it only can every nice spent sometimes leaves chase the shortcuts with belonging is debites the debits cards loss cash and coins with complaints with new Zealand reserves bank of governments leave the promises by law is the worse case surrounds and surveillance scams and spams new Zealand police track-its the postal line ups
Yes by decreasing the benifit
Yes. Not for healthcare, environment and transport
Spending public serious come over bet choice don't leave with family
No but cut benefits and treaty payouts
Reduce spending on a lot of things.
No, increase taxes on ultra-wealthy individuals and large multinational corporations, and close tax loopholes instead
Keep spending at current levels until the economy can sustain more public spending
No, but increase tax on nepotistic gains.
Yes, the critical economic activities are increasing with significant cost and as such, our priorities should be regularly reviewed to protect future generations from overspending.
Yes, by reducing senior government incomes and investigating their investment spending
No, increase taxes on the wealthy AND on large multinational corporations instead
Yes, but just not money from education, justice and healthcare.
Only where there is wastage.
Redistribute funds to areas that need them. Public spending is fine if it is on things that will benefit the economy and the wellbeing of New Zealanders.
SIGNIFICANTLY Increase taxes on corporations and anyone earning over 5M/year. Abolish the police and abolish the military.
No, spend the money you have more efficiently
Redirect wasteful spending
Broadly yes but primarily on things of lesser importance at the time.
irish and maori french securitrie with under attack and mussels with ban and back yards and under fleece and fleece with bloke sthe is ban electrics is under footages breaken the reason its can leave a marks with allied and ammogurds with powerfulnes with first securities decrease death and line with general public with weapons and knife and tio with bloods steal the kept premises of local locational
Run this country like a business the takes care of the people.and place it resides. Make cuts where it's sensible.
Yes cut down on things like fancy playgrounds and city park spaces
Yes. Public spending on infrastructure is good. Public spending on handouts is not good.
Yes, reduce the amount of welfare given out. Restrictions need to be tighter and money only given to those truly in need. We have far too many bludgers.
No, but make sure the spending is in productive areas
No increase taxes on multinational corporations, reducing size of government and cut wasteful spending and pull out of UN international agreements that harm our country.
No, New Zealand needs to focus on supporting it's citizens during this pandemic, and work on our national debt as a bank loan, suffer the interest and pay it back in a long-term period.
public spending creates jobs, creating Jobs is the way to reduce national debt as when people have a job they spend more money and are not depending on the state
Yes by being more sensible about where they spend it.
yes but only to spending that is not important
Yes, but only in certain sectors that won’t damage the nations welfare
I don’t really know if the government should cut spending. I mean, maybe do fiscal responsibility and be careful with money.
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