Should New Zealand provide military supplies and funding to Ukraine?
On February 24 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that began in 2014. The invasion caused Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II, with around 7.1 million Ukrainians fleeing the country and a third of the population displaced. It has also caused global food shortages.
Not our country, not our war, ukraine and Zelenskyy were known to be among thr most corrupt before the war so why are they now moral and good because they provoked a superpower who warned them against joining nato? Russia has been corned in by surrounding countries joining nato over the years and this was the final straw
No, we should not get involved in this conflict
Yes, and increase the current amount of resources we are providing
It’s a political war, countries are only fighting because of the resources that Ukraine provides rather then actually carrying for the people
We should provide an equal amount of support to both sides not favouring while maintaining good diplomatic relations with russia
No. All propaganda aside: NATO *was* supposed to disband, and the creep up to the Russian border was always going to cause a war (remember the Cuban Missile Crisis). The Ukraine war and Gaza have started the World on a new trajectory, splitting it in 2. We now face more terrorism (eco and religious), and more war. NZ would be suicidally stupid to get involved in any significant way, these issues have been brewing for a while and are not caused by what most western media claim.
@9J78RN2 12mos12MO
ecommerce of the unkriane currently by spending with track gadgets with video and surveillance by unlawful things
No, we should not be involved in this conflict. Instead invest that funding into protecting our own country and people if we were to encounter a war future
NATO alliance should send troops to actively defend the Ukraine and accept Ukraine into NATO
Absolutely not! This is all a political ruse the leader of the country is corrupt. Ukraine is used as a political laundering playground like Cuba was a long time ago.
Yes, but no. We should but do not have the ability to do so as our military is too weak.
Yes, as long as Germany Will Win World War 3
New Zealand should fix its own country before aiding others
Yes if we can afford it.
Yes, if there are some spare weapons, but generally speaking, New Zealand needs to strengthen its own military first before it strengthens the military of other countries.
Yes keep doing what they are doing
Yes, but we shouldn’t use tax money
Yea but no because we chould lose nzders and yea because its helping a good contrey and if we ever need help they can help us
Hard question for a pacifist. My sympathies are with the Ukraine and I recognise that they need international support both military and humanitarian if they are not to lose a conflict which has ramifications for the rest of the world.
No, NZ has supported Ukraine up to now. Ukraine needs to do more to end the conflict and broker peace instead of going around the world on a power hungry trip collecting an arsenal of high powered weapons. If continued this will lead to another world war
I am comfortable with the current NZ contribution
Yes, but be careful on how much we can afford to fund
No. NZ should remain neutral on the world platform.
Lets put our own country first For once
maintain current level of support
Ukraine is not the only war
Yes, but not weapons of mass destruction or weapons associated with war crimes such as depleted uranium
Yes, and direct military assistance
Not for war, only to help the people
We should do the absolute bare minimum where required by NATO or the United Kingdom. I like not being hated by Russia / other scary countries
Yes, but only provide humanitarian aid to both Ukraine and Russia.
Increase and human resources and mental healthline with opinion by legal documents inc
No but our entire refugee quota should go to skilled Ukrainians
Accept Ukrainian refugees only.
The repairs stepping stones make my bones wider allowed Ukrainian should only defined themselves at is selfies as said government feedback admins
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