Try the political quiz

40 Replies


God calls us to take care of each according to their need. The poor and the helpless need our love and support.


Homelessness should have more support and funding towards mental health services and education on drug abuse.

 @9FPGV6STe Pāti Māoridisagreed…7mos7MO

People should have options and not put into boarding houses without help. Freedom and safety of mental health is not found in those places.


There should be more shelters that make it more accessible for people who have become homeless. They should also be taught how to write CV's, how to apply for jobs, and be provided with free resources to be able to do this. Free clothing and the opportunity for public housing/ educating them so that they can reintergrate themselves into society

 @9FDRJD2Te Pāti Māoridisagreed…7mos7MO

Homelessness should have more support and funding towards mental health services and education on drug abuse.


Tangata whenua haven't even been respected. The land that has been stolen and occupied by many colonisers is disproportionately affecting maori and pasifika. The system is skewed and organised in a way where certain groups are more likely to be homeless and others less likely. I.e the access to economic wealth through generational unfairness.


I am homeless, government housing is not safe, it is filled with violence and drugs. People can’t take their pets. Freedom of movement should be respected as should a persons right to seek shelter where necessary


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