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Yes but relative to the amount that other countries contribute AND to the size of our economy


Funding should go to New Zealand health care to prioritise the people here and national issues first.



Yes, as long as they stick with science and evidence based medicine and remove support for pseudo medical views such as acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, etc.


Yes, but it shouldn’t outweigh the amount we spend nationally and regionally.


WHO have no business being in NZ’s business and we should not be giving them money. WHO and the WEF are not good for the people. Dangerous.


Yes if nz benefits from the investment and can support global impacts


Yes, and create an international initiative to enrich the health of people internationally


What we are required to only we should be funding more into our own communities



World healthline and about is government alone and leting excuse more pain and Europe union meetings inc


Decision is decrease by bank tax accountant by using government alone with special needs budget inc


use excuse by united nations is depart reason there aren't biggest hilden by uplifting weights sunny shaines



Increase and NATO+ stable which steams power unkriane with russian and UK defence forces air and feed of army attack unkriane target well boys and french defence forces airs and feed of good army attack unkriane and united state president Donald trump's thrubs stories modes give support by new Zealand and Australia with under nath us Japan choose not give china gas prices and transport



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