Try the political quiz

37 Replies


Yes but relative to the amount that other countries contribute AND to the size of our economy


Funding should go to New Zealand health care to prioritise the people here and national issues first.


Yes, as long as they stick with science and evidence based medicine and remove support for pseudo medical views such as acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, etc.


Yes, but it shouldn’t outweigh the amount we spend nationally and regionally.


WHO have no business being in NZ’s business and we should not be giving them money. WHO and the WEF are not good for the people. Dangerous.



Yes, and create an international initiative to enrich the health of people internationally


What we are required to only we should be funding more into our own communities


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World healthline and about is government alone and leting excuse more pain and Europe union meetings inc


Decision is decrease by bank tax accountant by using government alone with special needs budget inc



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How accountable do you think global health organizations should be to the public or to the countries that fund them?


How do you think global health organizations, like the WHO, can affect your personal life and health choices?


Do you think you would feel safer in a health emergency with an international health organization taking charge, or do you trust local governments more?


If you could decide what health problem the WHO focused on next, what issue would you choose and why?


The repairs stepping stones make my bones wider should world health organization stops unions meeting natos as said government feedback admins


How would you balance the role of private donations versus government funding in global health organizations like the WHO?


Do you think more attention should be given to diseases in wealthier countries or those that affect mainly developing nations?


In what ways could cutting funding to global health organizations, like the WHO, impact future outbreaks of illnesses like COVID-19?


How important do you believe it is for countries to work together to fight global pandemics, rather than each nation acting alone?


What do you think sounds more valuable—spending money on global health initiatives or addressing local health problems first?


Should wealthy nations contribute more to global health efforts to support poorer countries, or should every country be responsible for their own health system?


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