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No, but it should be actively promoted to help integrate other cultures and prevent immigrants from being isolated in society


Their choice to learn english

 @9CFXCTJNew Conservative commented…10mos10MO


what use are new zealanders who don't speak any language of the land they chose to emigrate to?! They choose to move here and have the audacity to think "nah, why bother learning the language? They'll just pander to me anyway, why bother? they're so stupid haha" Why should we cater to people who don't think about what they're doing when moving here?? If they're leaving their own country due to it being a bad place to live why on earth are we allowing them to bring their entire culture, language included, over here? Surely we want people who have emigrated to become kiwis?? Language is the number 1 barrier to assimilation. If you think people can exist here without learning the language you're deluded.



No, but basic English classes should be free if they do choose to go as it would be helpful for them to know some English

 @9CFXCTJNew Conservative commented…10mos10MO


So what if they're like "nah, I don't wanna speak english"? They won't get far in nz.... deluded much?? language is the number 1 barrier to assimilation otherwise you get enclaves and why emmigrate at all if you just replicate your country in a new country?? how is that fair to NZ residents/citizens?


I think it is unreasonable and unfair to expect and elderly immigrant to learn a new language at the end of their life. However for young immigrants I definitely think this should be required and supported with government provided lessons

 @9CFXCTJNew Conservative commented…10mos10MO


If they are indeed sufficiently "elderly", and if they are wanting to emigrate to New Zealand, and they plan to do so without even bothering to learn English, I have to ask... why are they even here?? No matter what the law says, what gives them the audacity to think they're in any way welcome here?!

Because, generally, most born-citizens only tolerate the allowance of immigration because we're told these immigrants will be coming here to fulfil all those apparent job vacancies in the economy. They're coming to "improve" things, and to become kiwis themselves…  Read more


Yes, if they are entering a workforce that requires/would benefit from it, and it should be covered by free language learning courses


I don't think it should be mandatory, it is the person's choice if they want to learn the language or not


I believe it should be optional, but the government offering lessons may make it easier for them to communicate.

 @9J78RN2 answered…3mos3MO

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No however I think the Government should promote free language courses, and in hindsight, attract immigrants that want to learn English.


it should definitely not be required but we should want to offer free help for the right of learning English which I don't think any immigrant would actually have a problem with.


I don't think it should be a requirement but provide some sort of education so they have a basic grasp

 @9G6V8V3Green answered…7mos7MO

yes and no. I think if immigrants are moving to a different country whether it’s nz or not learning the basics of the national language would help them and help us make their transition more easy, however if they chose to continue to learn it then aids for them should be free if they struggle


English, maori and sign language classes should be free for all residents that wish to learn. Have a basic course compulsory upon entry to be implemented as part of the visa application process if it isn't already.


Not required but supported. Given easy and free access courses, make it accessible and provide the wrap around services they need to learn, so they feel part of the community as having some English and knowledge will assist in the transition to immigrating to NZ


It should be optional - we should embrace diversity - but the government should provide free language learning courses.


Some work areas need skills excellence. It depends on which skill an immigrant brings, e.g., regional chef each country have its own cuisine-- cooking doesn't need language. Learning a language is an individual own choice as it can help them to grow and if they want to grow they need to improve their communication. If someone wants to go into an academic industry- absolutely he/she needs competency in communicating in the English language.


It should be their choice, and if they choose to the government should provide free language classes


English is not an official NZ language, we should make it one and then have a requirement to complete free basic English education as apart of their integration into NZ life


No, but free services should be available for immigrants to use if they want to. I believe that they should be able to use their own language and culture but have the option to learn English and experience the kiwi culture.


Have set English language level (such as iELts 6 or equivalent) for each person over 16 entering the country


No but it should be encouraged for their benefit to understand and ensure they are not being taken advantage of


No, but they should have some knowledge and understanding on English so it’s easy to communicate with them.


No, but the government should provide free resources to learn doesn't have to be an expensive endeavor, could be online pre recorded classes like on YouTube or something


I think if the people wish too there should be the option of free English courses but not enforce it


Well it would definitely be helpful if required for employment or education and government should provide a free language learning course but at the same time it should be a choice.


no they should not be required but it would be easier for them to buy ad live here if they knew english


If you can't speak English after a certain time period, and this is a barrier to employment then there needs to be a time frame. Including super.


No not if they choose not too but I imagine it would be very hard to work and live in an English speaking country without understanding the language. I do not believe we should spend more than we do now on multilingual translations in public sectors because of this reasoning though. It is up to the individual.


Yes and no; elderly parents joining children who aren't intending to work shouldn't have to learn a local language.


Most immigrants are proactive in learning English. Language courses should be available to help them learn


No … it should be their own choice but it would make day to day life in NZ easier for them and would help prevent loneliness if they could communicate in English


I believe that it should not be required but the Government should encourage and offer services for free language courses


No, but government-sponsored courses in English and Te Reo Māori should be available to those who want them.


No, but learning English should be an easily accessible tool for those who are interested in learning it.


Language plus customs such as respect ie. young men pushing in front of women in shop entrances etc.


immigrants should be encouraged to learn english and to also speak their first languages. the government should provide free services to help immigrants learn english


Depending on their circumstance - e.g. moved here willingly or refugee? It should be required in order to work or do business in NZ.


I don’t believe they should be forced to however it would make it less intimidating to socialize with English speaking kiwis


English should be learnt to functional if rudimentary verbal level where possible and there should be places for free lessons made available.


It would be expected that anyone immigrating to New Zealand who do not speak English would voluntarily engage in English language courses either paid or non paid


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