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 @9G72TWRLabour agreed…6mos6MO

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The USA is one clear example of prison privatisation. The amount of corrupt prisons in the United States of America is absolutely ridiculous from what evidence I can gather from the internet. It seems really dumb because our rehabilitation system should have an incentive to keep reoccurring criminals off the street.


Agreed, The focus should ideally be on reducing recidivism by prioritizing rehabilitation over punishment. Take Norway for example. Norway's prison model is based on the principle of normality, which means that life in prison should resemble life outside as much as possible. This system has led to one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world. Do you think a model like Norway's could be effectively implemented in other countries?

 @9G744ZMACT disagreed…6mos6MO

The prison in New Zealand is at maximum capacity and by privatisation, more prisons can be built to have more prisoners in the prison for the safety of the street.

 @9G72XXFACT agreed…6mos6MO

I worked for the department of corrections for almost 10 years. Prison is not a financial business, private prisons cut corners and do not serve the community correctly all to save a dollar for their back pocket.
There needs to be more support for prisons and their officers, it is a very draining job yet the govt does not see this and puts ever increasing pressure on staff.
The men and woman that face the fears everyday so that the community do not have to are heros in my eyes!
There needs to be more aid in mental health and more officers on the floor, I could go on but no one would listen


People need education and opportunity to manufacture their own lives. High inmate numbers are a sign of a failed system.


Look at the mess that happened in the prison up North which was privately run. Our government funded prisons needed to send staff to help bring the prison back under control.


Prisons shouldn’t be set up to make money. Privatizing means the company will be running a profit, ultimately this will be more costly to the tax payer.


I would like the prison turned into army camps they either stick to the routine or be put out to war


I work in a prison and I am friends with people who have or do work at wiring who say it wasn't safe.


It shouldn’t be a money making venture causing corruption, and more money should be spent on education and rehabilitation


"Emerging Issues on Privatized Prisons" by James Austin and Garry Coventry, published by the Bureau of Justice Assistance: This report analyzes the growth of the private prison industry and the implications of privatizing prisons.
"Private Prisons in the United States: An Assessment of Current Practice" by Richard Culp: This paper examines the growth, operation, and effects of private prisons in the U.S.


The rehabilitation is the public responsibility. The goal is for post the period of incarnation the person is able to be a constructive member of society, a value add not a value loss.
If we the public are not invested in the rehabilitation process then how could we be comfortable to the person back in society?


Private prisons would be working more to meet the status quo of having inmates to keep up with funding - could even lead to unreasonable lock ups to promote funding


Substantive critiques of US private prisons are common. The wikipedia page ( links to many documented objections showing injustice, profiteering, inefficiency and corruption.


In Nz we had SERCO managing Mt Eden prison...they had to be fired for inappropriate practices. The USA has the highest rate of imprisonment in the OECD. It used to be 4 times the next highest, NZ, but that may have changed. Source...the Economist pocket world in figures.


America has displayed how many are falsely convicted or convicted or minor crime with big sentences in private prison's


I would need to know more about the context of how we would set them up and i am basing my assumptions on the american justice system as an example


The USA has private prisons and in many states people are arrested for minor crimes and imprisoned to keep numbers up and funding up.


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