Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9J78RN2 answered…3mos3MO

Over process of prison and the court over government lawful behavior against and trespass in the built-in

 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

The right wings running for prisoners by the warrant to arrested by police and connection officers funds


Yes, but only in some areas of the country, and they should be strictly regulated to prevent mismanagement and corruption


It shouldn’t matter who runs our prisons but ensuring its with a NZ life style focus, added with a maori lens. The audit system needs to uphold or prisons accoubtable


Yes, but contracts can’t be built around costs. As the govt doesn’t worry about costs on the current prison system



Yes, and families of inmate should have to pay for your stay. No money coming in no food, blankets etc. Your sentence and welfair is not an issue of law-abiding citizens.


it could make a lot of people lose their jobs if a private company takes over


No, and we should be working towards doing away with Prisons, and they should only be for the worst kinds of criminals.

 @9F94QZLVision NZanswered…8mos8MO


No, but rehabilitation facilities for violent crimes etc could be to reduce recidivism

 @9F7H96NNew Zealand Firstanswered…8mos8MO

No, although potentially more effective, private prisons may sacrifice care quality for profit


No, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit

they should not have to do that just for prisoners i think they are quite cappaple of looking and respecting them selfs and its just wrong for the guards and etc. to treat them diffrently when they are simple humans just like us they are not diffrent


What would be more relevant is coming to a conclusion of a working system of care and most importantly rehabilitation, Look at a country that has got it right and learn from them. Private or not


Prison should be focused on rehabilitation of inmates with a focus on helping them with their mental health and becoming safe enough to potentially be back in civilisation


Yes, but have publicly owned prisons for competition and accountability standards.



they need to be run alongside the government so they do not ruin nz image


As long as someone can run a prison well, and keep them in check, it doesn't matter.


Yes, only if private prisons still treat the people serving with care and not in it for the money.


Yes, only if the company is well vetted and monitored for accountability.



More Maori focused units in prisons and more of a focus on rehabilitation like in the Netherlands no matter who runs the prisons.


Yes, but they should be held to the same or greater standards as public prisons and any related policy must have a sunset clause specifying that after a given amount of time, the government will analyze the quality of the private prisons and if there is a statistical increase in the number of incidents and/or degradation in the quality of prison functions it must at the very least suspended or abolished.


No becuase the prisons need to be public so family can vist that is one of the key ways they change.




yes, because if private companys run the prisons they may bring in money from overseas and we would have to pay less of our money towards prisons


Yes, however police need to be able to access and regulate to prevent mismanagement and corruption



It depends on the quality of care for prisoners. Prisoners are different from elderly care although they have a right to human rights in ways that doesnt cause conflict with their sentencing.

Which ever service provides knowledge and education should be suitable for where prisoners are being sent.

Example would be if someone was sentenced to life in prison. Instead of living with their mistakes they should be educated in a healthy way. That way if once they gain enough courage to change their perception they would be able to advocate against regrettable mistakes for the remainder of their life sentence without feeling drained and forgotten to society.

Every civillian has an opinion. Those who are oppressed become villains. And every villain has a back ground story for us to understand how things can be avoided.


well I think that they shouldn't because they might not know how to control the prison


Officers can just run the prisons but no one is allowed to RUN someone they can run the place and manage the people but they have no right to RUN a person.


Private prisons should hire their own staff then approved by the movement in their choices.


I think they should be privatized but the prisoners should have to do government manual labor jobs for free. ( i.e. land clearing. Rubbish pick up)as they still have to pay the prison to keep prisoners. And just means the prisoners are contributing to getting feed, showered and a bed over there head instead of getting a free ride


Have offenders carry out work under strict supervision until their equivalent prison period has ended - make offenders work/give back the money they are costing taxpayers if taxpayers are having to pay to keep them in prison.


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