Try the political quiz

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 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

Multiple increase and small bussiness tradestaff legs seats legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson left students dramatic


Lower if there is proof that staff are paid fairly and that a certain percentage of profits are being invested back into the business to provide more jobs and perhaps a certain percentage could be required to be donated to the community in which they operate to help fund the building of more housing and infrastructure for the workers they need



Raise, tax dividends for shareholders and remove loopholes or portals for corporations to reduce their tax burden.


Raise for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses WHILE ALSO eliminating deductions and loop holes


Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses WHILE ALSO eliminating deductions and loop holes


Ideally the rates should be dependent on the type of industry and should ensure growth and investment.


Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses and, eliminate deductions and loop holes



This is hard because i believe everyone should get taxed the same and then people with more should give more to charity etc, the current government has shown that they cannot spend money well, they spend poorly and wastefully, so i am reluctant to want to give them anything


Increase for large corps but no increase for small business AND reduce deductions AND eliminate loopholes


Raise. There is no reason an individual should be taxed more than company profits



All income should be taxed at the same flat rate no matter the source of the income


In fairness to other taxpayers Corporates should be taxed in the same way. Remove tax avoidance opportunities.


I need to know more about the pros and cons of this question before I have a position...


Keep current rates but eliminate loopholes and tax shareholder dividends



Eliminate deductions and loop holes while increasing for large corporations and lowering for small businesses

 @9FWVFB8Labour answered…7mos7MO

Taxes lowered for those earning the least, raised for those making ridiculous amounts of money which adds to overall detriment of the planet - unnecessary materialism - transport, , building, luxurious unnecessary items .
The wealth of a country should be more equally distributed, we should be looking out for each other and doing what we can to prevent our world from being destroyed.


Taxes should be higher on nz companies that export and lower if they keep the product here


 @96XYYHXfrom California answered…1yr1Y

Lower the tax rate for 100% New Zealand owned corporations and small local business but keep it the same for all others


raise the tax reformed by irl and inland revenues we allow more this mite rather employment out inn doos doors importants yet is comin over power of roads and house cost codes yet rather commission rights


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