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 @9HK9YD6 answered…4mos4MO

The government shows the movement for as medically murijuana for drug free left lined by government it's said with by leg seats legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson hoping use work for unions of dictionaries to read

 @9G6SB84from Guam answered…6mos6MO

Really depends on the drug. Many can be great healing tools in the right environment or practitioner.


Depends on the drug A class no, Dope on the other hand has so many benefits so I'm fully for dope to be legilized I an get some more money going in this country


Yes but the consequences of taking drugs should be dealt with if you drive, work or do something illegal whilst under the effects


Yes, and increase punishment for drug dealers, and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation


age limitations need to be taken more seriously but eradicating drugs such as marijuana should not be necessary as long as people use it safely and sensibly


no I would rather they decriminalise drugs that are used for medicinal purposes such as marijuana and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation for those using stronger drugs such as meth


Legalize lesser drugs decriminalize some and increased funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation


Decriminalise users but get harder on dealers. ALso increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation


I believe there should be a place for the right Medicational drugs.. but cancel out the dangerous stuff shouldn't be around


No, only decriminalise marijuana, but increase funding for addiction, prevention and rehabilitation.



Pro decriminalisation but against public legalisation. For medical and research based uses on prescription basis.



No, but decriminalise drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana



For certain drugs depending on their harm and reduce sentences for those serving time on any made legal.



Yes and add more funding to rehabilitation while reducing prison sentences


Completely legalize ALL drugs but only if there is the death penalty for dealing.


Yes for some, but not all drugs. Particularly those that have a proven track record of causing harm to an individual and harm on a social level.




Legalize medicinal use, reduce sentences for low-risk drugs, but increase punishment for drug traffickers and enforce forced rehabilitation program for addicts.



no, but drugs that are helpful like chemo or stuff like that should be allowed


VERY CLEAR NO let’s not go crazy and out of hands with drugs like in places like America


If we have restrictions in place of how much and where and when then yes.


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