@9HK9YD6 1yr1Y
The whistle blower legs seats legend former UK prime minister Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump dramatic with guards issued Press conference map location white House
@@963S369 1yr1Y
Id tick yes but only if releasing the info doesnt threaten our national security but once again. The current lot woyld claim someone who opposes their marratives a security threat so it would need to be handled independently from politicians and efen defence force. They are all currenty infiltrated ny WEF globalist Nazis who are already censoring "whistleblowers" trying to expose them.
yes but only if the information is 100% true and if releasing the information does not threaten our national security
This is very situation dependent. And manipulation or misconduct should not be used to obtain information
protect them if it’s a serious threat to cause harm to themself or others
Only if the information is found to be true
Combined response - legally obtained and national security not threatened (unlikely).. pretty sure there is already laws that protect whistleblowers
This should be already in effect
yes, if it was for public good
No opinion on this matter.
Very tricky question to answer because if there is a whistleblower calling out the government what happens then?
Yes, only if the information was for the greater good and not just to save their own ***
Yes, depending on how it was obtained and what the information contains.
Don’t we already have laws that do that...
As long as it doesn't go against the life and teachings of the lord and saviour Jesus.
I thought there is already legislation that covers this.
Yes, but only if releasing the information does not threaten our national security, and if such information was legally obtained
yes, and keep the whistleblowers anonymous
Yes, but their information should be investigated for validity, with mandatory and full cooperation of the company or agency in question.
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