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They have less insight and experience outside of school and being reliant on their families. They have less knowledge on the 'real world' and should have a few years developing their own insight and skills to develop an opinion of their own. 18 is young enough already. At 18, I didn't know anything about politics or how certain new policies would impact another. We are sheltered from this at school, however once you go to university, you start fending for yourself and understanding life outside of school.


If you can vote then the age for youth to be charged with a crime should decrease, if you can make a decision on how to vote then you know right from wrong


I for the first time i voted the same way my parents did, just because i could. Younger than 18 you have no individual idea only what u see on tv and what parents vote and their personal opinion. They need educating and below 18 they are not capable of this. 18 is the drinking age and most of them cant control that by acting with maturity.


16 and 17 year olds will be impacted far more by the decisions our politicians make going forward than 65+ year olds.
Many 16 and 17 year olds work and pay income tax making their inability to vote taxation without representation, not to mention they will have at least one year or as many as 2 and a half of adulthood where they are subject to laws made by a parliament they were not allowed to help elect.
The argument they are too uneducated makes no sense when we allow people with dimentia to vote, this issuce can be overcome with increased civils training in high school.


Let kids be kids. Give them the reasonability then the are 18 along with other things like drinking, marriage, gun owner ship, pilots licence, etc.


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