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yes, but have a compulsory class in schools teaching politics and about each party when it comes to election time.


No, and remove tax from people who are not voting age. Otherwise its taxation without representation.


No, because I don’t think younger generations would understand the impact of the voting as much as those who are adults or young adults



Younger have their imput and say, they are the future, but not yet cast a vote


people under a certain IQ should not be allowed to vote because stupid people shouldn't decide what the rest of the people get


I believe that the minimum voting age should remain 18. However, those who are unable to vote and are earning income less than $15,000 p/a should benefit from a reduced tax.


Students should be educated on politics in nz and no change in age. Everyone should have to vote also

 @9L9R4MQ answered…11mos11MO

Yes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote and we should lower the voting age to 5 years old so children can learn and be educated about how the system works


Yes, but not be mandatory until 18+ however I think there should be a test for people over the age of 65+ to see if they a cognitive enough to vote.

 @9J78RN2 answered…1yr1Y

Under 17-16 of ages with votes compass of more different less trouble besides other reasons areas Hamilton Waikato and Wellington vias upperhutts and Auckland Council bylaws under investigation property with legal taumaurnui Maoris the kuitis has tutangata pakeha decrease development videos

 @9HK9YD6 answered…1yr1Y

The voting issued byelection fruads and the burn heats independent by legend former UK prime minister Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump talk with white House dramatic


People that are 18+ should be able to vote no matter what, 16+ year olds with a drivers license should be able to vote too.


If someone pays more than 8500NZD in tax each year then they should have the right to vote if they are older than 14

 @9G6V8V3Green answered…1yr1Y

I think 18 is a good age however a lot if young people don’t have enough of a grip on the world and countries economic, and physical factors, however if they learn more and chose to change their vote they can do so in the next election


No, and if you don't work and contribute out of your own work and earnings to the government then you shouldn't have a vote.


Could be lowered but younger voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote


No, but there should be a maximum age - the age is older for women (i.e. women can vote longer given they statistically will live longer)

 @9G3B3DGOpportunities answered…1yr1Y

Yes, if you have been deemed competent enough to drive on our roads and hold a driers license the you should be aloud to vote


Yes should be lowered to 16 but you can only vote if you have a job / paying tax


Yes, give young people an option too, and should be educated from the start of high school maybe primary school



yes, if the government are going to do things that affect people under the age of 18 they should have the right to vote. i say voting age is 16.


No this is because younger children don't still, understand voting and parties so they won't know who to vote for


Yes, lower to 16 but require those under 18 to show basic understanding of politics



No, but only tax payers should vote.. not unemployed, benifit bludgers, criminals



INCENTIVIZE VOTING! At age 18 pass basic civics test and get voter registration card. Compulsory to vote in NZ like in Australia. NZ Citizens 18+ who CHOOSE not to vote disqualify themselves from any access to government financial assistance, free health care programs and tertiary education benefits for that election term.


If you are old enough to have sex (i.e have a child, legally) then you are old enough to vote


If politics is taught more thoroughly in schools to increase the understanding then lower the age


Lower it to 16 on the basis that 16-18 year olds have to pass a basic test of political understanding. Over 18 no test should be required


I believe even people on work visas should be allowed to vote as they pay tax. Why is it that people on the Benefit can vote but don’t contribute financially.


If you turn 18 within the next election period, you should be allowed to vote


Yes and current politics and future effects should be talked about at school


Minimum age for voting should be 18 for National elections. As an alternative, the age could be dropped to 16 years for local body elections.


Citizens should be required to pass a basic competency test to be put on the electoral roll, regardless of age. This should include understanding basic laws and ethics.



No, it should be raised and voters should pass a test of their understanding


Yes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote, and we should increase funding for political literacy education


yes - only if the political system was covered at high school in ciriculum.


No but there should be an age where they can’t vote like 80 upwards old people voting on issues that affect younger generations.


Yes, But only if they A) Pay Taxes and B) are educated on Policies and government and can demonstrate this knowledge.


No, but their should be a weighting depending on your age where elderly citizens votes are not worth as much.


It depends, if we are going to spend more resources in educating rangatahi about politics and the voting system and the impacts/importance of their votes then I would support lowering the age to 17.



people under 18 who want to vote have to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics. If you are over 18 you don't have to do a test.


Only if the age for being criminally tried as an adult is also lowered correspondingly


Yes, but have politics mandatory in schools and voters should pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding


Yes, but on the condition that schools teach political awareness. Otherwise no.


Yes, If a 15-17 year old personal is working (part time / casual included) .


Yes, but only at the local level to engage people in civics while still in school.


Yes, and for referendums with potentially long reaching impacts there should be an upper age limit


No because some kids will not know what to base their vote off of and wont know what they're doing


I am still undecided on this issue. I certainly think more education is required across all groups on how our political system works and how to unpack issues in order to understand them and therefore vote accordingly



No, because then our country would have stupid rules, we should raise it to 21.


Yes, but basic education on political ideologies, NZ political system and governance should be incorporated into the curciculum, taught before the voting age.


Yes, if they are paying taxes and are not currently serving a prison sentence, and as long as they have not at any point been convicted for murder, violent or sexual crimes.


16 year olds should be allowed to vote but not forced or fined for not voting along with other people


no, but what and how politics work should be taught in college. not about who stands for what. just politics for what it is.


16-17 year olds should be eligible to vote in Council elections. Learning how to participate in a democracy.


Yes, as long as those who pay taxes were educated in school. All high schools should incorporate some form of education so students can vote without being pushed for an agenda.


Yes, however, if the voting age is lowered to 16 then they should be considered an adult, therefore, they need to be tried as an adult if they commit a crime. It would make sense because we can currently try a 17 yr old as an adult and they don't have the right to vote either.


No, and there should be an age where should no longer be able to vote either. Could be the same age you become supported by the country again i.e. start receiving the pension, but more like 80years old


It should be lowered to 16 as long as there is some teaching in schools. I wish knew more about politics when I was 16 and 17.


Yes, any citizen that pays taxes for 24months consecutive and is in full time employment at the time od elections should be allowed to vote


Yes, but only after taking a test to determine if they understand the issues.

 @9FND8BJLabour answered…1yr1Y

maybe, if it can be shown that they pay taxes and have received education on how the political system works and what the parties represent.


Lower the age but compulsory subject/topic around political system and better education around false news, discernment etc


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