Should foreigners, currently residing in New Zealand, have the right to vote?
In most countries, suffrage, the right to vote, is generally limited to citizens of the country. Some countries, however, extend limited voting rights to resident non-citizens.
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If they’re not permanent residents then no, but residents and citizens should be allowed to
Yes, but only if they have been granted permanent residency here
Not unless they have a clear understanding of NZ history and the impacts of colonisation on tangata whenua.
Only citizens or permanent residents should vote.
Citizens and permanent residents over 18 years old should be able to vote
If they are planning to be here for the duration of the electoral term then I think they should
living in the country for under 5 years and you want to vote then you need to pass a basic test to show you understanding of NZ politics. If you have lived in NZ for more than 5 years then you dont need to do a test.
Yes, as long as they have an understanding of NZ politics and are staying in NZ for years.
Should be able to vote if they are classed as a permanent resident
They should be allowed to vote provided they pay taxes and their primary residence is in New Zealand.
@9TXKSFPNew Zealand First4mos4MO
As long as classified as Permanent Resident or NZ Citizen, Person under NZ Residence Visa could be considered
@9J78RN2 12mos12MO
Flags ups Brazil is looking after evils takes and Russians heading to Israel government fight the fifth of Israeli wars and friendships French President hurts more jury's ruled restrictions ares with Gaza and Jerusalem
Any foreigner who has lived in New Zealand for 8 years and pays taxes should have the right of the vote.
@9HK9YD6 1yr1Y
The legal Ban for citizens of voting for allowed by legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK prime minister Boris Johnson is talk conference
If they are from Australia, have family in New Zealand that are citizens or have lived in New Zealand in the past yes
Yes, if they are legally working and paying taxes, do not have a history of terrorism and have adequate understanding of the political parties.
Yes, as long as they are politically educated
If they live in NZ, they should be able to vote.
Yes, but only if they are committed to staying
If you are only planning to stay in NZ for a few years then I don't think you should be able to vote. My opinion is if your intentions are to stay in NZ as a permanent resident then yes you can vote.
If they have lived in the country for 2 years
if a foreigner has residencey they can vote
After a legal stance in the country and after 2 years of becoming into the country
No because they are a ching chong
yes but only if they aren't disabled
Yes, if they have contributing in a massive way to New Zealand.
Yes, once they have permanent residency
Yes. But if they indend to stay for the duration if the political term
Yes, not including those who are on travelling visas or visas for less than 5 months
Depending on the type of visa is student visa no.
Yes, but only those with an indefinite right to remain in New Zealand
Depending on how long they plan to stay
Yes, but only as it stands now to permanent residents.
Yes if they are a legal resident of NZ
Yes if they are tax payers.
Yes if they are permanent residency
Should be permanent resident or citizen
Only if they pay taxes and have lived in the country for more than 3 years
Yes but only after living in the country for two years.
Current system is fair where you need an indefinite visa to be able to vote
Yes if a permanent resident
Permanent residents & citizens after 5yrs
Make citizenship pathways easier for migrants, but only legal citizens should be able to vote
Yes, once they become a resident
People with Residency should be able to vote
Only if they have the legal qualifications to do so, such as being a resident.
Yes, but only if they hold a resident visa or above
Only for the period they live in the country
Yes but only if they plan on staying here until next election.
Yes, only if they have a developed understanding of NZ's politics
If you are a resident yes, a work visa no.
Yes, but it depends on their intention on staying, with a minimum of having lived in 2 years in NZ.
Yes, but only if they are resident.
Yes if permanent residency has been granted
If you are a permanent resident or in the application for one and must give your application number as evidence
It is not clear whether this refers to permanent residents or not? If someone has NZ citizenship or permanent residence then they should be allowed to vote
I am happy for permanent residents to vote in New Zealand alongside those who hold citizenship.
Yes, provided they are going to remain in the country for (mostly) the duration of term
For NZ Residents, Permanent Residents and Citizens
they need to have lived in New Zealand for more than 3 years.
Yes, anyone who intends on living in the country for the next four years
Yes, but only after being granted Permanent Residency
No, not until they have passed the citizenship test, intend to reside in New Zealand, and be a permanent resident for at least 2 years.
Yes if you are paying tax or over 18
Yes, only if they have a legal right to and work live in NZ
Residents as well should be allowed to vote
no only NZ citizens should be able to vote
Yes, but only if they reside in New Zealand - or if they are a permanent resident
They should be able to vote if they understand what they want and what is happening and if they are comfortable. But if they aren't then they don't need to vote.
As long as they are here on a legal visa as a perminant person when voting occurs they should have the right to vote
@9FWZ9X4 1yr1Y
Depends if citizens include people with residency. I think stick with the current policy, only citizens and permanent residents can vote.
Yes, if they are permanent residents and citizens who have lived in New Zealand for a minimum of 3 years.
Yes, if they are a permanent resident living here for a minimum of 3-4 years and should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of our politics.
Have been in the country for a minimum of 12 months and paid 12 consecutive months of income taxes over that 12 month period.
Living In the country for 1 year to get use to the surroundings and economy
Yes, if they are paying tax and have resided for 3 years
No, not if they are not legal NZ citizens
It depends on the context of their presence in NZ
Any citizen of NZ should be allowed to Vote
1 year living in NZ then be allowed to vote
if you are at least a PR, then yes but anything lower than that threshold would be no
Yes if they have been paying taxes for at least 5 years and living in NZ solely for that duration.
Yes, if they will be residing in NZ for tne next 3 year election cycle
Yes, but only if they are going to reside for the foreseeable future
Yes, they should be allowed to vote if they show they have the competence to.
Status quo, which includes non-citizens with permanent residency
Yes, but only if they intend to stay in New Zealand for more than a year (i.e. no working holidayers)
Foreigners holding a residency visa should be allowed to vote.
If they plan on living here for the next 5 years.
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