Try the political quiz

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 @9J78RN2 answered…3mos3MO

The power flags and uppsid by the Ireland and up videos repeated hearing of government kiwis knows it's


Yes, and shift New Zealand further from a representative democracy and closer to a direct democracy.



Yes, but make the opposition party more heard -- almost half the population voted for them after all. Instead of having a large number of people who can't say much, have a small number that represents everyone across the board and let them all have a proper say.


increase salaries up front, reduce some and stop other retirement benefits



I like electorate representatives with some list MPs to make up to reflect population demographics.


No. But when they finish being an elected representative they should no longer receive any more money or perks and should get a job like we have to do if our current employment ends.



I don't understand enough about this topic and therefore don't have an opinion.


maybe not decreased but i do think representatives shouldn't be effected by any of the laws that are passed for the would easily create bias.


No, but put a hold on the pay rises for 3-5 years with no more than inflation rate increases after that time. and also make them properly accountable for blatant incompetency



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Retriever by retirement by working and on the benefits burt more. Never the trust telephone calling by recruiting use emcomics with not earning is not credits nevet less Increase or justice of peace decrease however rivets can get worse


No, but reduce their salaries and retirement benefits and have a psychologist monitor their health


Potentially. I'd have each Provence elect a representative to the national level (more UN style), but then have our local government set up be closer to our current national level structure.



Yes, but also reduce the mmp threshold to 2.5% to increase diversity of parties



Yes but increase salaries to attract best candidate and reduce retirement benefits


Not necessarily reduced, but splitting seats based on electorate and party vote


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