Try the political quiz

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 @9HK9YD6 answered…5mos5MO

The legs seats if reelected candidate for united COVID with Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump hoping leaders independent contractor


I believe the government should concentrate on making out country way better than it is rather than surveillance of its people.


This happens already and so it should be used very discreetly and for select and discreet purposes to avoid serious criminal activity.


To an extent to combat terrorism. Not completely but enough to be able to get a handle of situations but more for suspicious people or random checks.

 @9FB734LTe Pāti Māorianswered…7mos7MO

Under statute / law govt can monitor where there is a legal interest and authority to do so - ie: under warrant applied for and given where criteria are met.





Yes, but only when a certain high threshold of evidence has been met to provide cause to do so.

 @9DQK9J3 answered…8mos8MO


No, as this will mostly be used against members of the public instead of where the attention should be being directed. Access to phone calls and emails could be possible, where someone gives reason to need to be investigated, however continuous monitoring is a step too far


Yes, but only if the person poses a potential risk of endangering people


Only by court order and the subject should be informed that they were surveilled and why once the operation is over. That decision should then be open to challenge with the opportunity to have records deleted.


Yes but only those that they suspect of criminal and/or terrorist activity or those who have a record of such activity


Only every 5 years, so only every 5 years and in that year they monitar phone calls just incase someone is gonna do something or cause danger. Basically plotting something? Idk that's what I think.



Depends on the situation. If that person needed mental help and maybe had sucidal thoughts, then yes.


Thise who see what's out there is more ethics definitely device legally mean is use for checking whats out thier


Only for persons of interest who may be involved or interested in terrorism etc, not everyday people as this is controlling and breaches privacy which we are entitled to.


Yes but only if they are a person of interest for terror or criminal reasons, and a legal search warrant has been obtained. General, anonymized screening for problem words like "bomb" should be allowed, e.g. monitored by AI, and it it comes up x no. of times, maybe with other red flags a human can be flagged to assess and then alert the police (if threat seems imminent) or set the search warrant request in train.


Yea if there is sufficient evidence a person maybe a part of illegal activities


Yes, but only by court order provided that the court is publicly accountable


Strictly to avoid things like genuine terrorism and the spread of child porn.


Ban the media Facebook gaming android is phone scammed with other ipad touch without inc


decrease more phone calling but leaders of opportunity paryys as the ban rdue phone calling scams which under internet systems it computers can tracked by survvilines with footages record reported by new zealand police and privates policies online emergencies use excuse stop ban turn off expire is bad scammed


No, if there is a current investigation it should be carried out by police, with a court order, and government should only be treated as any other New Zealander would be to make a police complaint, which could result in an investigation, and court order.


Get lost cuz Im trying to watch the bloody "HUB" I dont want the government to see what catagorie I like. Except when it comes to criminology and finding bad guys then it is aceptable



In a digital age filled with threats, should privacy still be considered an unalienable right?


How does the possibility of having your digital footprint monitored affect your sense of freedom and trust in the government?


Would you accept more government surveillance if it significantly decreased acts of terror?


If your safety was at stake, would you be willing to give up some privacy, and where do you draw the line?


Does the thought of being watched or listened to by someone you don't know make you uncomfortable, and why?


Imagine your life as an open book; how would that change the way you communicate online?


What would you do if you found out your personal messages were being monitored to prevent potential crimes?


When, if ever, do you believe the benefits of surveillance outweigh the right to privacy?


How would you feel if your personal conversations were listened to without your consent for national security?


Have you ever felt like your privacy was compromised, and if so, what should be the limits of that invasion?


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