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67 Replies


Significant government regulation of the internet will result in a lack of innovation. The current regulation is fine.

 @9L9R4MQ answered…9mos9MO

No, the internet is globally important that is full of information that is valuable to the human being

 @9HK9YD6 answered…1yr1Y

The legs of humans increased wears of squad gears for inline police policy and by legend former US president Donald Trump and former UK prime minister Boris Johnson hoping use straight wings leaders


Dependant on the nature of what is being searched for (e.g. child pornography, terrorist groups, sex trafficking etc.)


No they should not regulate the end user, but they should enact legislation to protect citizens data


Again, a yes or no response is inadequate. I don't want the current digital wild west but neither do I want a China approach in which regulation is strict censorship which allows the population only what its government wants it to have. This requires considerable thought before finding the sweet point on the continuum between a wild west and state control of information.


Yes, in order to reduce misinformation and disinformation, to prevent child pornography and exploitation, to prevent cyberbullying , and to stop copyright infringement



I don't think it's the government's role to regulate the internet, but it would be better to have process by which they can engage with social media companies to address misinformation

 @IraklisGreen answered…1yr1Y

The government should keenly monitor for high risk, such as child pornography and calls to violence.


Yes, remove that which documents criminal acts and block known scam sites.


Yes, but only for serious illegal activity such as trafficking, child porn etc


I think the government should educate people on fake posts an recognising scams


Social media corporations should be regulated to monitor what happens on their platforms without infringing on individual liberties and privacy. They should be sanctioned for not upholding these standards.

 @9DVGLL3Green answered…1yr1Y

Social media companies should be required to monitor their platforms in a way that doesn't conflict with individual liberties. This includes the sanctioning of corporate entities that fail to uphold these online standards.


Yes, but only to prevent child pornography, trafficking and other serious cases (not copyright infringement, which is no where near as serious or affecting as trafficking or child pornography and shouldn't be lumped in as being viewed as important in society).

 @9DLJYWDfrom Georgia  answered…1yr1Y


Yes, the internet with it’s current status is a haven for extremist groups that can easily recruit people who are struggling



Definitely to look for dark web activity with real victims such as child or trafficked victim porn, drug and arms dealing, cyber warfare, disinformation troll farms etc.


Yes, for objectionable material and websites which fail to comply with NZ law in a way deemed socially harmful (for example, this could be used to block pornography websites which do not require age verification to view) . Furthermore, all ISPs should be required to offer multiple filter/safety options to consumers, such as website blacklisting/blocking at the entry point (e.g. for institutions), parental/admin password access for home environments, parental monitoring options or status quo open access.


No, any regulations should be carried out by police investigation or the relevant ministry for copyright infringement. Government should be treated the same as any other New Zealander when submitting complaints to either of these independent agencies.


Data base it now takesbig affect that I mite see greater good but internet provider was no used talk to your network provider at all times


no we aint china. also found it concerning how after the christchurch shooting the government blocked us from being able to access the website 4chan


Yes but only to prevent child pornography, copyright infringements also monitor criminal activity, terrorism, national sercurity


No, but they should hold people responsible for hate speech and bullying.



No, but with allowances for intervention in child pornography situations.



It should be regulated by an independent authority based on scientific research.



Donald trump and government agencies white house is deceased by New Zealand internet provider stop




Yes, but only to prevent illegal activities such as the publication of child pornography, drug dealing, weapons and human trafficking.


 @992KJGLfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

The Government must play a role in preventing criminal activity on the internet-especially with regards to child predators. The Government must also ensure that misinformation, disinformation as well as offensive, discriminatory, demeaning, defamatory, divisive, destructive and abusive filth does not harm and intoxicate society.


No, limitations on free platforms will make threats harder to identify and people should be able to freely express themselves even if we disagree with the expression. Harmful websites could be managed but it could bring into question the justification for the limitations of each site.


By "regulate the internet," I was meaning net neutrality, not censorship. Yes, criminal activity should be censored but I think the internet needs to be regulated in terms of ISPs having to provide equal bandwidth to all websites to prevent monopolies.


Too much false information and scammers many more bad things going around. Something needs to be done about it


No, not in general but there should be a blacklist on dangerous material such as child porn and anti-semitic views



Yes to prevent child pornography, copyright infringement as well as maintain a blacklist of censored websites and require ISPs to retain data for at least two years.



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