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The ability for more affluent people to hide or redirect taxation responsibilities creates a less fair system of control over standard of living and distribution of wealth amongst communities in NZ which in turn keeps lower socioeconomic groups from improving their overall health and well being


What constitutes 'more affluent people' are we talking about doctors, lawyer (high income earning people)? or the hypothetical version of Elon Musk's of NZ? I feel the high income earners of NZ aren't hiding or redirecting their tax responsibilities. just my opinion, I am very ignorant to this though. I do agree with what the outcome produces, I just think the answer is too general (in terms of 'affluent people'). Would love to hear more opinions about this.


the cost of living crisis will increase way too high, and people won't be able to afford basic necessities even more. People will also be discouraged to work, as they have to pay tax on the additional income they earn, which would decrease productivity in the economy.


An inland revenue investigation has found New Zealand’s wealthiest families Pat less than half the amount of tax, across all forms of income, than most other New Zealanders.

Some families have parents working 2 jobs and still struggling. How do you expect the children in these families to grow up without issues of abandonment first of all as they do not have there parents present at home.

As an example….

It breaks my heart to see so many families working so hard to provide and never getting over the edge. There needs to be a change… why take from the poor, it makes no sense!


The taxing the rich argument is basically penalizing people for doing better. They need an incentive and I don't think that taxing them is a productive way of operating.

 @9F95443New Zealand Firstdisagreed…7mos7MO

High income earners already pay a higher level of tax. We should not penalise hard work and entrepreneurship. Just ensure that companies pay their fair share including overseas companies who derive income here should pay tax here. Capital gains tax is taxing inflation on assets already purchased from tax paid funds. We should not be subsidising the many people who do not strive to work hard or save or plan for the future. Fix the underlying issues of poverty through education and incentives to improve skills and equality of opportunity.


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