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Māori electorate:
Yes, but only for low income customers who should carry a verification card provided by the gov to prove that they qualify for the discount
Yes the government should lower the price of life saving substances but some people might get an addiction to those substances.
Yes, but only for low income customers who should have a note on their prescription that proves that they are eligible for the discount
Yes, but only for when they are being sold to patients who otherwise can't afford it. I think if you can afford the original price, you should pay it!
@9J78RN2 1yr1Y
Flags ups and life saved and medically with pills ADHD and truism behaviors by the district areas safety's living
no, subsidise the medicine instead
Look what happens in America where the diabetes drugs were criminally priced where as in other countries they’re very affordable. Unsure what the answer is but making life saving drugs expensive when they don’t need to be is criminal
Health care should be free, abolish government. From each to their ability, to each to their needs
The way it works currently is good just increase PHARMAC funding
Yes, but only for low income customers who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it. They should have a note on their prescription that proves that they are eligible for the discount
Yes, but do not allow people with life-threatening infectious diseases into the nation.
We should continue with Pharmac as a govt agency looking into new drugs, their price and availability. Pharmaceutical companies are unscrupulous, dishonest and primarily function as money making ventures in the interests of their shareholders. They are not primarily concerned with the health of mankind.
Shorten patents and increase funding.
This is a silly question; Big Pharma have more control over drug prices than any government
Holistic health care instead.
Yes, but companies should be allowed to increase prices on more elective drugs and treatments
This is a complicated one. The government could over price the drug making it unaffordable for those who need it. If they actually make it affordable then yes. But if they price it higher than what the company was going to do then no. Chances are that makes the drug unaffordable.
Yes but specifically for drugs with price gauging ie insulin
Yes, but only for under 18-year-olds.
Consider cost benefit analysis and impact low income families
Promote actual health and natural remedies
No, but they should be regulated
No, but there needs to be options on funding expensive drugs based on need
Yes and they should fund R&D into new life saving drugs
No, but patents should not exist
This question does not apply to New Zealand
Everyone should have access to anything that would help them when are ill.
How can our government regulate the cost of prescription drugs? They can only subsidise, or not, thereby regulating the cost to the individual.
No because cost of living is increasing but just a medical prescription should not be so high in price
It does already through Pharmac subsidised medicines to the extend that most people do not pay anything for their prescribed medicines
Yes, and medicine and healthcare should be funded/subsidised by the government.
Only through a state agency that is independent from political interference.
No, but as they regulate what drugs are available as well as what are government funded, they should work harder to get prices down
Disability is increase the medicine and refuse the treatments with aids and +5 a week and management new zeland human and rights commission commo senance with government laws
There should be no cost or price on life saving drugs.
All healthcare would be subsidised
Yes and socialise medicine and healthcare and regulate the price of all prescription
Governments should negotiate the purchase of key drugs collectively to give them countervailing Power against drug companies.
Medication like birth control that is so expensive. Not everyone can take the cheap birth control
No, but they should be Pharmac approved
Provide more funding for life saving drugs
More thought needs to go in to this but more support and funding needed
no kiwis should have more access to life-saving drugs
How could they do this since they don't produce them?
Yes if they are prepared to fund research and innovation that may not be possible with limited prices
No, the government should subsidise life-saving drugs and make them affordable to those on minimum wage
For the patient, yes, but the government should not limit availability of life-saving medications due to cost
The repairs stepping stones make my bones wider should unlimited life savings development as a into drugs and medicine as said government feedback admins
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