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Yes, and require public audit each year they’re in office; also for close family members


No but any financial interests that may relate to decisions they look after should be made public


Yes, but only the top 2 leaders of each party should be legally required.


Yes, but only if they are benefiting from their political position for personal gain (outside their salaries to perform their governmental duties)

 @9J78RN2 answered…1yr1Y

Tax flags ups and Ireland with taiwan more French Maoris unions help the poor policy deals with prices taggers and the banks ASB use needs westpacs credit over balances ANZ top dollars with partners ASB bank branch operations officer

 @9HK9YD6 answered…1yr1Y

The tax deduction of independent consultant supporters without more elderly taxbpayers money by legend former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former US president Donald Trump both talks conical offers


Yes - but via an internal audit only. Not to be made public unless clear conflict of interest is evident.



Exact tax records are not necessary, but they should delcare any conflict of interests related to assets - being an investment property owner for example.

 @9DRY5BB answered…1yr1Y

Maybe, but their financial ties with businesses should be made public (for example, shares they have, how much campaign funding they receive from who)


No - but it should be fair & they should get the same as others even with pay etc


no, but they should have like public audit for every 3 years they are in government.


No, but an independent audit should be conducted and a plain-language earning and asset holdings summary should be communicated to the public



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Yes, if there is a need to. Depends on whether the politician’s background


No - that is a question for the USA - Donald Trump definitely should because it is accepted practice in the US - any undue influence should be declared eg funding from outside of NZ or big business.


No, but they should have their career / academic and work history scruitinised so to balance of power involves both the popular and the capable!


No, but Inland Revenue should make private investigations into candidates tax returns.


A process showing integrity and due diligence is a minimum requirement before and during office


Yes, and require a public audit each year they are in office

Politicians should be required to release their tax returns, so people can see where their income is coming from. Having been in politics, their earnings from their political office is only part. Their income from company boards, trusts and other roles is quite significant and depending on how high this is and where it is coming from will provide transparency to their voters. They then have quite a factual tool to determine whether that politician has integrity or is lying to them about their political stance or motivation to support/decline certain policies.


In the age of social media, do you think politicians can truly keep any aspect of their lives private, and should they try to?


Does finding out a candidate has drastically different personal beliefs from you change your willingness to support them? Why?


Should the amount of personal information leaders share with the public change depending on their role or the issue at stake?


If a leader makes positive changes, do you think their past mistakes should be overlooked? Explain your reasoning.


Do you believe politicians should have the right to keep their personal lives private, or is the public entitled to know all aspects of their lives?


Imagine finding out a public figure you admire has a controversial secret; how does that change your perception of them?


How important is it for you to know the personal values of the people you vote for, and why?


Would you still support a politician who has changed their stance on major issues multiple times? Why or why not?


How would you feel if you discovered a leader you support had hidden significant parts of their past from the public?



How would you react if a politician you didn't support was found to be more transparent and honest than one you do support?


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