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 @9G6MND4New Zealand Loyaldisagreed…6mos6MO

The constructive qualities of personal respect toward one's self and to others are taught in New Zealand. I would suggest New Zealand citizens would do better in life if they understood these basic factors.


When you used to send people to join the Territorials when they committed a crime they went in to be law abiding citizens also if this gets past anyone up until they are 30 need to serve at least 2 years in the military this would reduce criminals and provide foundation for growth and to serve your country


Military service matures young persons making them indepependent andgrounded before a lifetime of work


At least 50% of NZ'ers would be proud to represent their country in some form, e.g. Military/ Navy etc, however, not all physically and mentally can. Should we ever be expected to go to war it should be sole responsibility of the person/s joining, forcing someone to fight for a government they may not have voted for or believe in, is wrong in itself


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