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If the skills are not to be found within New Zealanders, then business needs to thrive, so depending on the work and the availability of skills, I have no issue with high skilled immigrant workers


 @9R3SHM6New Zealand First answered…7mos7MO

Increase for those applying for critical shortage areas i.e. Doctor, Nurse and accept mainly these workers while denying 90% of others.


I would like to say currently that I think it should stay the same or be decreased due to the government cutting peoples jobs now.

 @9J78RN2 answered…1yr1Y

Brazilian and Russians heading fly population and greets more Ireland kiwis French Maori unions help huis give less immigration withsiads visas credits bonus independent


New Zealand needs to support the workers that we have here in NZ, both Kiwi or foreign and give them what they need to make NZ more attractive for them to stay. I left NZ for five years to create a large enough deposit to buy a house, it is really bloody hard to do well for yourself finacially in NZ, leaving is almost a requirement for those that don't come from a rich family.

 @9DSYQX5New Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

I am satisfied with the current amount, but we should focus on improving the businesses in this country


Its about striking the right balance so NZ citizens are not impacted on


Increase the visas, but reduce the number of "high skilled' jobs that qualify, so we are only taking workers that are truly needed to fill jobs that can't be filled domestically.


Keep it as it is, but ensure all wages are equal to avoid favoritism over citizens.




Numbers should increase or decrease depending on high skilled positions needing to be filled.



Whether we like it or not, NZ is in desperate need of high skilled workers so if that means immigrant workers then so be it. Increasing temporary work visas seams like a solution but the government is taking advantage of these people. This visa allows them to stay and work in NZ for a short term, doing jobs other New Zealanders can’t do but making it an extremely long, difficult and expensive process if they decide to stay in NZ as a resident. You can’t increase ‘temporary work visas’ but not support these people on a pathway to residency.


Increase, but New Zealanders should be considered for any job position before turning to overseas employment. I agree with increasing it, but not to the detriment of NZ citizens.


Increase, But, New Zealanders should be considered for any job position before turning to overseas employment. I agree with increasing it, but not to the detriment of NZ citizens.


They can be increased but ensure that strict rules are in place in case they want to stay. Not many immigrants go back home and use this as a pathway to residency and can’t even speak English


Increase but also put more energy into our own education system directing and incentivising pupils and students into studying for high-skilled careers we are currently lacking, that are needed


We need our doctors and nurses and professionals. There are many migrant professionals who come to NZ and a work visa but realise after their orientation pass immigration rules then leave as they realise wages are better in Australia. So we are diminishing the standards of our medical systems for this and future generations by not dealing with shortage of staff and low pay. This is damaging for NZ long term and may take a generation to be amended. I've never known our medical care to be so unavailable when needed and in such a crisis.


Increase, but the govt should provide more incentives for locals to step up to these positions and retain talent


Increase, but there should be more programs both private and public to train our citizens for these jobs

 @9F7H96NNew Zealand Firstanswered…1yr1Y

Increase, but only for work that benefits our citizens, such as in the medical and teaching fields


Decrease, companies are not being monitored on whether they are overlooking suitable citizens so that some companies can have so few homegrown talents no questions asked .


I’d like to see more skilled migrants however we see a lot of foreign nurses for example where english is not well spoken or understood and is not nice to be understood in a hospital Situation


Increase but also put regulations and monitoring in place to ensure these workers have the same renumeration and conditions that citizens doing the same work would have.


It could increase or remain the same, but it must not be allowed to affect the minimum wage. Also, make it easier for immigrants (and refugees) to use any qualifications they may have in their own countries, both for their benefit (so that they can go into more highly skilled professions if they have them, filling niches and allowing then to earn a higher income and live more comfortably) and everyone else's (less competition for minimum wage jobs, more ability for immigrants to contribute to the economy).


were getting too many unskilled people coming over from the trades industry. better screening testing on this. allow more immigrants to come in from richer countries

 @9FSG8CDFreedoms New Zealandanswered…1yr1Y

New Zealand persons on welfare, need train work first.If fails, in New Zealand, professional trades, like Doctors nurses, Come from overseas


Increase but offer domestic high-skilled workers more incentive to stay in New Zealand.


Increase high skilled workers to teach kiwis because most of our skilled worker are leaving the country for better pay


Increase but only for failing systems such as healthcare and infrastructure


If they are capable they should be allowed to work here given the fact that they help with the econmy growth. It is beneficial to them and their families.

The only reason why this is an issue is because in some ways the education system and home support system doesnt work for us. Only speaking for a few.


Decrease, and make the people on the benefit work on these needed areas


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Increase, if there is a need that we need to fill to support New Zealanders Decrease, if the jobs are being taken from other New Zealanders to give to immigrants


Immigration should be focused on sectors where we have critical labour shortages in essential services i.e nurses, doctors etc



Visa and gambling helpline we which issue by UK and united states' security by karanharris was in process when the damage comes overs limited




Yes, but they should absolutely not be exploited and paid 100% of what they earned just like all NZers should.


I am satisfied with the current amount, and the government should also provide more incentives to prepare citizens for these jobs


i feel like anyone should be allowed to work as long as they know what they are doing


Increase, our economy relies on businesses hiring and taking advantage of highly skilled workers who are asylum seekers/refugees/immigrants/migrants at the lowest cost. We should pay them higher seeing as they're all much more educated than people from Aotearoa.


Immigrants are needed for low skilled low paid jobs that no New Zealander wants


Depends if there are enough people available in NZ who have those skills. If not - increase the visas


Increase, if someone else can do it better, then by all means we should offer them the jobs.



Should only grant visas to people who can actually work in their field. Not bring in skilled workers who can't do their job in their field of expertise


This will vary over time depending on the skill/labour needed. I don't think thee is much point is just saying increase or desrease without considering the need.


Increase, but we should provide incentives to encourage our own citizens to fill these jobs


Depends on the industry and if there are local highly skilled workers, they should be employed first


middle keep the same but be more aware of the NZ citizens job availability


Grant skilled working visas in skillset shortage areas as long as needed until shortage is resolved or need is no longer required



Increase with restrictions that ensure the temporary workers are treated humanely with safe working conditions, reasonable pay, and safe working hours.


Genuine understanding of no skills available first. Business with a set turn over value should be required to train by law



Increase temporary work visa allocations for jobs with high demand (e.g. doctors, nurses)



Increase, but only after a thorough effort has been made to train up, retrain, and entice New Zealanders to fill these positions.


High skilled is a banal classification used to downplay the contribution of particular types of work, in order to pay workers less.



The government should change visa conditions to be less reliant on the employer, so that the employee is not taken advantage of.


Increase, but ensure that those with aspirations to become New Zealand residents and citizens can communicate competently in English and assimilate to the culture.


NZ should acknowledge foreign qualifications more rather than forcing graduates to repeat their education in NZ especially in health where there’s a shortage of skilled workers. This might not apply to specifics such as law as there are national or cultural differences which would need to be understood.


The repairs stepping stones make my bones wider should skilled workers whose make as jobs needs support incentive current amount as said government feedback admins


Imagine if an extremely talented student from another country wanted to join your school's robotics team; how would you and your teammates react?


How do you think the technologies and services you use daily would be impacted by changes in immigration policies for skilled workers?


In what ways could your education be influenced by the presence of teachers or professors from other countries?


Have you or your family ever benefited from the services of a skilled professional who was an immigrant, and if so, how did that impact your view of immigration?


If you were starting a tech company, would you consider hiring skilled workers from overseas, and why?


How might your community change if there were an increase in skilled workers immigrating to your area?


Do you believe diverse work environments with employees from different countries are beneficial, and why or why not?


If a friend from another country wanted to work in your nation because of better opportunities, what advice would you give them about the job market?


Can you recall a time when you worked with someone from a different country, and what did you learn from that experience?


How would your future job prospects be affected if more skilled workers from abroad were allowed in your country?


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