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Yell at the other countries to own up and do their part like Australia


Let’s go over there and the rest of the world and fix the problem at it’s core



Yes, and they should be working after a period of settling in: limit to tax funded benefits/welfare


yes on it. but only accept families and run background checks and monitor them


just make sure it’s not affecting people negatively that are actual citizens of nz, they should come first



Yes but not hundreds or thousands because we don’t want to become over populated


Not that many we shouldn’t commit to housing that many people when our own people r living out of cars and tents.


Yes if they need help then let's help them by letting them into our country.


Yes, but not too many so that New Zealand doesn't get overpopulated and jobs get taken from locals.


Yes, but only bring a couple thousand so they don't over populate and take the jobs from locates.


No, we should reduce or stop refugees entering New Zealand until we have better infrastructure to support citizens and refugees.


Yes, however we should only accept the amount our country can sustain healthily


Yes, but we should impose background checks not only for Muslim immigrants but for every immigrant. It is xenophobic to simply do background checks on one ethnic group.


Accept more Christian refugees escaping persecution from Syria and other middle East countries. Also africa


no we should be encouraging the us to stop messing with Syria and focus more on peace deals



Yes, but Christians first as they are a persecuted minority in the middle east.



Instead of accepting refugees why don’t we do something that will make Syria a safe place to live


Yes if there is background checks and the government is able to provide a program where they can aid refugees with integrating into New Zealand life for those that are struggling



Yes... If they meet relevant criteria. Doesn't matter what country they are from



Why Syria specifically anyone should have the opportunity for something like this



Yes, but don´t accept any refugees with criminal record, if refugees are 18 or over.


We should take no more immigrants cos we can’t even care for our own people properly at this point


No we need to look after our own people for a while and make sure kiwis have homes they can afford



Yes, accept all refugees from Syria. Not just families. But only after one extensive background check. No continuous monitoring. Make the one check a good one.


A lot of those wars are created by the western world and the western countries need to accept their responsibilities and keep out of their businesses and make sure those people live in a peaceful country and in a war created by the western world


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