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Do you support the use of nuclear energy?


 @9G5TX5Z disagreed…8mos8MO

Nuclear energy is the cleanest and most effectient way to produce energy, it would clean up our rivers and make New Zealand a cleaner country overall.


Yes! We need nuclear power, it is the solution to long term clean and efficient energy in NZ, people are just scared of it because when it goes wrong, it goes WRONG.


The paradox of nuclear energy is akin to a double-edged sword. Its potential to provide clean, efficient energy is tremendous, yet the specter of disaster looms large in the public consciousness. Chernobyl and Fukushima serve as stark reminders of the potential devastation. However, we must also acknowledge the advancements in safety protocols and technology over the years. Nuclear energy, if harnessed and managed with extreme caution, could be an essential stepping stone towards a sustainable future. What are your thoughts on the balance between the benefits and risks associated with nuclear power?