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The current Govt has invited so much death into this Country that our own morals and principals have declined and you can see this by the sharp rise in Crime... Euthanasia, Abortion Same Sex marriage all go against the Creation Of Life. Abortion is MURDER of an Unborn Child. If a child is born at 9months. Then it must be 1-8months while in the womb. With technology now, you can see the Baby attempting to get away from the instruments that are inserted into the womb in order to tear it apart!! Nothing shows a person's conscious than when he/she is in a state of Fear. So how people say tha…  Read more

 @9G5P3N4 commented…8mos8MO

Yeah, I did an entire Global Studies research and paper about Abortion in the USA and NZ so nice try but I’ve already done my homework. I probably wouldn’t even say anything here if I was clueless on the topic.

If abortion is murder then what is Euthanasia, the death penalty and slaughtering animals for meat? Would you call them murder too? Seriously think of that and hear how hypocritical you could be. And did you seriously included same sex marriage into the discussion? I don’t recall same sex marriage killing people. Come on.

”With technology now, you can see the Baby…  Read more


I believe that every life has an inherent value and purpose unmeasured by our mortal standards. When we speak of abortion and compare it to euthanasia, the death penalty, or the slaughter of animals, we're comparing situations that involve fully developed beings capable of conscious thought and survival outside the womb with an unborn child who has yet to experience life.

As for the point about sensory development, while it's true that babies develop sensory capabilities at around 8 weeks, it's important to note that life, in my view, begins at conception. This belief isn'…  Read more


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