Try the political quiz

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How do you perceive the importance of trust in the relationships between citizens and their government?


What action can we take as individuals when we see social inequalities in our daily environments?


How could acts of individual charity contribute to larger societal changes?


Why do you think promoting the common good is more challenging than it seems, and how could this be addressed?


How does striving for social justice make a difference in your personal life, even in small ways?


What's a personal value you hold that you'd like to see more of in the world, and how could this be encouraged?


How can we create a society that values both tradition and progress in equal measure?


When have you felt most proud of your community's response to a social issue, and why?


What qualities do you think are important for ethical leadership in our communities?


How do you think we can foster a sense of responsibility towards the vulnerable in society?


What situation has made you deeply consider the impact of your decisions on others?


Why do you think people are inspired to take action on social justice issues?


How does the concept of 'fair play' in sports relate to fairness in society?


If you were to volunteer for a cause, what would it be and why does it resonate with you?


What role do you believe kindness should play in political decision-making?


Have you ever had to defend a belief that was unpopular, and what did you learn from it?


How can we balance our personal ambitions with contributing to the greater good of society?


Can you describe an instance where treating someone with respect changed the outcome of a difficult conversation?


What does 'living by example' mean to you in the context of community service?


How would you handle a situation where your friend is being treated unfairly because of their beliefs?


What's one act of selflessness you've witnessed that made a strong impact on your view of community?


If the principles of fairness and equality influenced your school's policies, what changes would you like to see?


How does your personal definition of what it means to be a good citizen influence your political opinions?


How can we as a society encourage leaders to prioritize the well-being of all citizens, not just the majority?


What actions do you take to ensure that your choices align with your moral compass?


When has your understanding of right and wrong been challenged, and how did you respond?


In what ways can individuals foster a culture of respect and dignity in their daily interactions?


How would you explain the importance of social equity to someone unfamiliar with the concept?


Can you describe a moment when witnessing or experiencing fairness made a lasting impression on you?


Recall a time when you helped someone not out of obligation, but because of your personal values; what was the outcome?


What role do you think kindness and generosity should play in shaping government policies?


If you were to lead a social initiative, how would your values influence the actions you take?


What personal experiences have shaped your perspectives on giving and receiving help within your community?


How would you balance compassion and practicality when crafting laws that affect vulnerable populations?


How might your personal values inform your approach to discussions about poverty and wealth distribution?


What does the term 'ethical governance' mean to you, and how can it be applied in everyday leadership?


How do you think empathy and understanding between different cultural or religious groups can be fostered?


What's an instance in which you've observed a balance between economic prosperity and moral responsibility?


When has a community or national issue prompted you to reflect on what it means to be a compassionate citizen?


Can you recall an act of kindness that you believe was inspired by someone's faith or ethical principles?


How do you approach understanding and respecting beliefs that are vastly different from your own?


Discuss a personal experience where you felt your dignity was respected or disrespected.


What are the hallmarks of a just society, and how close is yours to that ideal?


When have you seen a compromise work effectively to resolve a dispute involving ethics and fairness?


How do you approach discussions with friends who have different views on social justice and democracy?


Can you think of a time when your personal values clashed with a policy decision, and how did you reconcile the two?


In what ways might Christian Democratic values contribute to or challenge the way we view human dignity and social justice?


Should politicians use religious principles as a guide for creating laws in a secular society?


Can Christian Democracy reconcile its conservative moral stances with progressive social justice goals?


Is it possible for a political ideology rooted in religion to remain inclusive in a diverse and multicultural society?